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Wooyoung was walking around town with San as the day progressed. The rain had stopped and they were in the lively city.

"Where to next?" Wooyoung asked as he looked around him. The place was bustling with so many different things.

"Hmm, how about.. Some ice cream!" San pointed like a child. Wooyoung nodded as the thought made his mouth water.

They quickly ran up to the vendor waiting.

"Hello, oh hi! How ya been?" The male said as he realized it was Wooyoung.

"Hey, Yunhyeong how have you been? I've been good, I'm in college now." Wooyoung smiled as he remembered the boy from high school. 

"Ah, I didn't seem to go to college. Even though my mom keeps nagging me, you know how she is." Yunhyeong went on and on. San stood awkwardly as the two males sat and chatted.

What was he supposed to do join in? No, he definitely wouldn't do that. He kind of felt a hint of jealousy take over him. He really was unsure of what to do. He stood watching the two. San wished he knew about Wooyoungs mom, his friends in high school, but no he was a landlord practically. He wasn't anything special to Wooyoung. He was just someone who paid everything for him. He wasn't nothing but a measly bank to him.

'Wooyoung don't care about you. He probably don't even like you.'

These words started to pick and snare at his head. It caused him to start to doubt everything. Could he really be like that. San didn't even know, it was just what his mind had started to form from what was happening.

"San! Hey, earth to San!" Wooyoung yelled slightly as he waved his hand frantically in front of his face.

"Sorry." San muttered as his mind kept making up scenarios of how Wooyoung was going to hurt him.

"Yunhyeong wants to meet you!" Wooyoung smiled that smile of his. That caused San to fake a smile. Sure he wasn't even anything to Wooyoung; however, he felt as Wooyoung was only his.

"Hey, San? That's your name right. I'm Yunhyeong, Wooyoungs old high school friend." Yunhyeong smiled as his curly hair blew in the chilly wind.

"Mm, I'm San." Is all San could spit out. He felt like screaming. Why was his mind doing this to him?

'Wooyoung don't like you!'

This screamed, hollered, yelled, boomed — all the words for loud he could possibly think of, were echoing through his brain. It wasn't very fun to be out when his anxiety was causing second doubts of the male.

"Hey, I think we're gonna go." San heard Wooyoung tell this to the curly headed male. Wooyoung grabbed his shoulder lightly as they walked a little to an empty table to sit.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wooyoung asked with concern laced in his voice.

"Mhm." San hummed. Was he okay? Was he not okay?

"San?" Wooyoung replied.

"Hmm?" San said blankly.

"Are you mad at me..?" Wooyoung kind of pouted.

"Why would I be?" San lied.

"Yunhyeong..?" Wooyoung guessed unsure himself what it would be.

"Sure... I just feel like you.. You know what it doesn't matter. Let's go home." San raised his voice slightly before realizing it wasn't worth it.

"Oh..." Wooyoung kind of stumbled on his words. Why was Sans acting like such.

San didn't even respond he motioned for any taxicab around. Sure enough, one came. They both drove home quietly. The silence was suffocating, but San intended this.

"San?" Wooyoung asked once again when they walked into the house.

"What San, what?" San practically yelled. Now no one was around he could act like how he felt. Sure it was going to hurt Wooyoung, but Sans mind had by now formed every possible reason Wooyoung was going to hurt him.

"I-I just want t-to know why your so mad..?" Wooyoung stuttered. This wasn't the San he knew.

"Well, maybe because I'm just a landlord to you. I don't know your mom, your friends, what you did in high school, I don't know anything. I am just a bank to you. I mean literally nothing to you! I'm just sitting here wasting time why you figure out ways to hurt me!" San started to yell towards the end. He didn't mean to come off as rude, but San was a man of himself. He wasn't made for Wooyoung, he was solo.

"I-I.. What? Why do you even think I would hurt you..? And I-I can tell you all those things if you'd like." Wooyoung kept his voice down. He hated arguing.

"That's not what I'm meaning! Ugh! I'm leaving." And with that San stormed out the house slamming the door behind him. He was heated for no reason at all. It wasn't Wooyoungs fault, it was his mindset making him seeing it like this. San fount himself walking for a while. He just tried to clear his head, but the air wasn't helping he needed something stronger. Liquor.

He walked into the nearest bar and sat down after the guard checked his I.D.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked with a small smile.

"Whatever is strongest." San instructed as he laid his head in his hand.

"Here." The bartender handed the small shot to him.

"Thanks." San bowed slightly before downing the drink. About five shots later he was bat-faced drunk.

"Sir, I think you should quit drinking." The bartender instructed.

"Mm." San hummed lightly as he stood up walking towards the exit. That was before a male bumped into him.

"Watch out." The male muttered in a cold tone.

"How about you!" San yelled. He didn't care what would happen.

"What did you say?" The male sat still.

"I said watch out!" San raised his voice.

"Don't mess with me. Just because your heart got broke. What are you like twenty-one? First bar visit, awe what a baby." The male said in sarcasm.

"I'm not a baby! And for the record what's it matter! Plus, you know what?" San sneered before throwing a punch at the older man.

Punch, after punch, after punch. Until the male was screaming stop.

Before San could even rebuttal the cops were behind him.

i got a kitty, it's names Mina<3

 if your reading offline, i got you;), it's a calico lil girl kitty

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if your reading offline, i got you;), it's a calico lil girl kitty.

i'm normally not an animal person ever but WhATEvEr

sotc; being left by zico & dvwn.

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