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San woke up early to the sound of rain hitting the roof at lightning speed. It was pouring down, and fast.

"Looks like we're not going anywhere today." San huffed as he threw the blanket over his face. He didn't know what they would do now, looks like a home day would have to do.

San walked downstairs to see Wooyoung digging in the cabinet.

"Hey, morning." Wooyoung said turning towards the male. He had a bag of hot chocolate in his hand.

"Morning, I see it's raining all day." San frowned. He checked the weather some time earlier.

"So what are we going to do now?" Wooyoung asked as he poured water from the kettle into his cup.

"Um, sit at home most likely. Unless, you had other plans." San joked slightly.

"Sitting at home sounds alright." Wooyoung nodded as took a sip of his now made hot cocoa.

"Hmm, what do you want to do?" San questioned as he watched the male walk towards the table he sat at.

"Mm, a day inside... We can watch a movie, eat, play video games, uh really anything." Wooyoung went on as he sipped his drink.

"Your right, hmm, any new movies?" San pondered out loud.

"Maybe why? Want to watch something?" Wooyoung asked excitedly. He hadn't watched a new movie in a while.

"Let's go find something." San responded as he walked towards the living room. He browsed through the rental movies until finding some movie he fount interesting.

"Does this seem good?" San yelled slightly as Wooyoung still sat in the kitchen.

"Uh, let me see," Wooyoung replied before walking into the living room. "Yeah it looks cool." He finished.

"Okay then let's watch it." San instructed as he laid down on the couch behind them. Wooyoung nodded while sitting a few inches away from him. The tension quickly raised to an awkward one.

"Sorry." Wooyoung mumbled as he scooted over. He didn't mean to sit so close to the male.

"Don't apologize. You didn't have to move." San whispered softly. Wooyoung bit his lip with a soft pink residing on his cheeks. The words had made his heart flutter faintly.

"Yeah, sorry." Wooyoung gulped slightly as he inched back closer. Their hands touched briefly before Wooyoung quickly snatched his away discreetly.

Wooyoung didn't know what to say, the movie wasn't even that interesting as it went on. He could tell San wasn't very interested too.

Wooyoung slowly felt his eyes get weary as he kind of started to drift off. San was unaware until a few minutes after he felt his head hit his shoulder softly. He knew Wooyoung probably wasn't intending such, but San couldn't even lie. His heart beat started to pick up as he felt the boy lying on him. San reached his slender hand onto the boys soft, golden hair.

After some time San could feel he was getting quite tired as well. He gently got up and tried to move Wooyoung swiftly. He wasn't going to take him to his room or anything. He just wanted him to sit at least on his chest. San had lied down and softly placed Wooyoung on his torso. Before no time the male had fallen asleep too. His hand had discreetly laid on Wooyoungs back as he rubbed his hair softly.

Wooyoung had woken up not too long after. He could see his head was rested on something different. He raised slightly seeing San sleeping soundly.

'Am I sleeping on San?'

Wooyoung quickly moved accidentally hitting Sans stomach a bit harder than intended.

"Argh!" San groaned not knowing Wooyoung didn't mean it.

"Sorry, I-I really d-didn't mean to wake you..." Wooyoung stuttered as soon as he saw San looking at him. He didn't mean to wake him, he just was a bit surprised to see himself lying on San.

"It's fine, I didn't mean to yell." San said. He pushed himself up to where he'd be sitting up looking at Wooyoung.

"No, it was really my fault I just didn't know why I was laying on you. Sorry if I did that. I didn't do it on purpose." Wooyoung rambled on and on with apology after apology.

"Hey, I moved you so you'd be comfortable. Don't stress it. It's actually my fault." San stated awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, I didn't know..." Wooyoung whispered. He could visibly see Sans cheeks turn pink in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, quit apologizing.. Anyways sorry for making us watch such a stupid movie. I didn't realize it was that boring." San apologized realizing they both had fell asleep to such a junk movie.

"Haha, yeah. It's fine, you don't know what I like to watch.." Wooyoung chuckled softly.

"Anyways, what should we do now. It's not like we napped for seven hours. It's been like fifteen minutes." San giggled as well.

"Maybe some food would be nice." Wooyoung thought as he looked at the male. His hair ruffled and his face chubby. He looked so cute and pure.

"Yeah, you want take out?" San suggested as he grabbed a little throw blanket off the couch.

"Yes, please!" Wooyoung smiled softly.

ending this here cuz eating is boring. & the dialogue is bleh.

also song of today(? kinda even tho it's the same day) is killing me by ikon.

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