Chapter 19

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As soon as he saw me, his features softened a bit. "What." I said bitterly.

" Just wanted to let you know, if you choose to stay here," his wicked smirk grows with each word " I'll ruin you." and with that, he left.

Im left standing at my door, watching Niall drive away.

Niall's POV

Whats wrong with me. I had the chance to win back the girl of my dreams and I blew it. I stare at her house as I drive away, tears brimming in my eyes. I love her. With all my heart, so why do I act like this around her. She makes me crazy. Totally insane.

By the time I am half way home, I'm full on sobbing. I gasp out Claire's name with every sharp breath I take in.

Tears are blurring my vision, I can barely see the road. I lift up my hand so I can wipe them away, but before I can get my hand back on the wheel,
a huge collision makes me jolt back, and black out.

Claire's POV

" Mom!" I smile, embracing her in a tight hug. My sister, her husband, and my dad enter behind her.

" I missed you guys." I say, excited to see my family for the first time in months. I hug the rest of them. "Sit down, have a drink." I lead them to the living room.

" Such a nice house you have sweetie." my dad said proudly.

" So, does our little Claire bear have a boyfriend?" My mom smiles.

My heart races. Thoughts of Niall rush over me. I think of the first night I saw him. And the night he was talking about how he was worried for me. And the night he dreamt of me. And, my stomach drops, when he told me he was with " other girls". But I loved Niall, even he didn't feel the same way about me. But somehow, I know he did.

" No." I simply state, and smile at the ground. For the next 10 minuets, we talk about useless things, but I keep my mind on Niall, I like it better that way.

Suddenly, my phone lights up and vibrates against the table. Its Liam. Why is he calling me? He knows I have family over. It must be important.

" I have to take this, sorry." I announce, and walk out of the room.

" Hello?" I stutter into the phone.

" Claire! Its Niall! He got into a car wreck, it was bad, he needs you." My ears ring. I drop the phone and run out of my house, saying nothing to my family as I pass them.

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