Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

The streets of London are empty and a heavy mist filled the air. I stalk around London, trying not to attract too much attention to myself, wearing a long black coat, and sunglasses although there is no sun. I'm about to turn the corner as I hear a familiar voice.

" Yea man, she's naive, she'll fall for anything. I've got her wrapped around my finger, if i ask her out on a date, she'll be in the car before I am." I can hear the smirk on his face. Its Mason.

" I'll be surprised if you can pull this of and still blame it on Niall." said another voice.

" Don't worry about me. Here she comes, see you tonight." Mason dismissed his friends, and they all scattered in different directions. I peek around the corner to get a look at the girl who is the center of Masons devious plan. The girl is beautiful. Dark brown hair caught in the wind behind her. Her eyes are bloodshot, and looks like she hasn't gotten sleep in years. But even so, shes the prettiest girl I have ever seen.

I automatically feel bad for this girl. I don't know what Mason is planning to do with her, but knowing him, it wont be good.

Claire's POV

I couldn't believe what Niall was saying. I didn't want to either. Mason has always been so sweet to me.

" O- Ok," I said in reply to Niall's story. " Why me though?"

" Because, your an easy target i guess." he shrugged. How dare he call me an easy target. I was about to answer back when there was a sudden knock on the door. All six head shot towards the sound.

" It's the police, open up." my eyes went wide and I looked to the boys who have the same expression. I stand up and take a deep breath. ' Go hide.' I mouth to the boys. They run quietly through the house. It takes all of the strength in my body to open the door and lie to the cops for the boys that kidnapped me.

" Hello, sorry I made you wait." I say as politely as possible. The slim young man looked taken back by the sight of me.

" Sorry ma'am, uh- do you live here alone?" he seemed nervous, and not as demanding as i thought he would be.

" I used to live here with my parents, but they separated, and now its just me and my mom." I pull my best sad smile, and hope he believes my sob story.

" Oh, well I'm sorry to bother you miss, have a nice day." When he's gone slam tje door and lock it.

" Your welcome!" I scream so my voice echos through the house. With in seconds the boys come running from upstairs, and plop on the couch.

" Why did you do that?" Zayn asks me, breathing heavily.

" Well I didn't want to get arrested along with you idiots." They all smirked at my word choice. " Whatever, can I leave now. I'll stay away from Mason now that I know his plan."

"Nope." Niall answered. " We need you."

"For what." I look at him like he's insane.

" Your gonna prove to the cops that we're innocent, and Masons guilty." he smirked at me again.

" How I'm going to do that?"

" By going on a date with him."

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