Chapter 16

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As soon as I thought of Niall, he wouldn't get out of my mind. Since I knew that the unknown number on my phone was Nialls, I shoot him a quick text.

Be home later, my family is coming to my house tomorrow, gotta clean up. see you soon.

I put the phone down only to have it go off seconds later.

come right here when your done, don't stay there... please.

I was about to tell him how I got groceries, but then I remembered the kitchen, and how messy it was. I sigh in frustration, and get back to work.

I arrive back at Niall's at about 5. I carry in as many bags as I can.

" Can you guys get the rest of the bags ?" I say when I walk into the warm house. They all ran out. Except Niall, he never leaves. He grabbed some of the bags and headed to the kitchen.

" What made you stop at your house?" he asks, suddenly very close to me.

" To get my phone." I say, him touch sends shivers down my spine. " I will be gone all of tomorrow so don't worry about me." I say to him.

" When will you be home." I don't like how he calls this place my home, because it most certainly is not my home.

" When my family leaves Niall." I step away from under his touch. He's beginning to annoy me.

" When are they coming? Is it just your family? Or like, old friends that are in town and you haven't seen in years." I have to take a deep breath to make sure I don't punch him in the face. Wait, old friends that I haven't seen in years? Does he know about Michael?

" What was the last part again?" I say out of curiosity.

" Old friends. That you've flirting with all day." He says in my face.

" How do you know about him, Niall. I didn't think I would have to tell you this, but I'd like if you do not stalk me. Thanks." I said sassily in his face.

" If you think I spend every moment of my life stalking you, you need to think again!" He screams at me, a wicked smirk growing on his face. " I have too many other girls to worry about."

His words hit me. Hard.

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