Chapter 26

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I struggle to sit up straight as my head pounds in time with my racing heartbeat. The world spins as I look around to try and get an idea as to where I am. As I'm sitting there, trying to put two and two together, two large hands shake me slightly. A jumbled voice in the background is saying " Are you okay, are you okay." as if they think I will answer them or that my answer would be "Oh yeah, I'm just great." 

It hits me all at once as I snap back into reality, like I was once moving in slow motion and now in fast. Though I still can't picture where I am. Then suddenly, I see him and everything is okay, like the answer to the jumbled voices question would be " I'm okay." 

I see Niall, his unforgetable blue eyes stare at me as he sits awkwardly on the old, torn up couch, in this old, torn up apartment. Mikes apartment. The jumbled voice playing in the background, in fact,  is Mike.  I look to Niall, then to Mike then back at Niall. I want to talk but i just cannot seem to form any words. So here I sit, awkwardly shifting my gaze to each person in the crammed room.

" Hey Claire." Niall smiles down at me, "How are you feeling?" He moves his hand onto my arm and rubs in small, calming circles.

It takes everything in me to answer Niall's question. "I'm..I'm okay, just very confused." My voice doesn't sound like my own. It sounds much softer and more hoarse. Niall nods and turns his head to Mike and says something that I couldn't quite make out.

"Okay, we're going to go home now. Everything will be okay." Niall lifts me up effortlessly and carries me bridal style to his car, which had already been started and heated up, I'm guessing by Mike. Without saying anything to Mike, Niall starts driving away. My head aches a little more each time he hits a bump in the road. 

The car is silent for most of the ride. A few times, Niall tried to start a conversation, but the task proved too difficult for me as I could reply only with one word answers. As we pull into the driveway, I begin to regain my memory. This is Niall's house. I feel a sense of warmth as I remember the good times we shared here.

Niall gets out of the car and walks over to my side. He attempts to pick me up by I reject him and get up myself. At first, I wobble a little, then regaining my balance, I begin to walk towards the front door. I expect that they boys will be sitting on the couch waiting for me, and will rush up to me to see if I'm okay. But as I open the door, I am greeted by nothing but emptiness and silence.

"Where is everyone?" I look back to Niall who is closing the door behind him. 

"It's a long story, I will tell you after you rest." He says.

All of the sadness and confusion that was building up inside me, shows itself now and I begin to cry. Niall catches me as I fall into his arms. He starts to speak to me but I cannot hear him over the sound of my loud cries. I am hurt, confused and scared, and all I want right now is to be with Niall.


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