Chapter 14.) A Plan is Made

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Before this begins, I have a random little tidbit. I was listening to Smooth Criminal while writing this, and now when I read it over before I posted it, I just could NOT stop laughing. *I'm going crazy* 'Kay, enjoy! And thanks for 400 reads! And yes, I know these chapters are getting short, my apologies. Busy stuff going on.

A month later we had our plan ready. I went to bed early that day, and set an alarm on the tablet for 4:30A.M. When I woke up, I got Jason and Luke up and we got out the clothes we found the day before. I slid on the long, brown skirt from my mom and an off-white blouse from her as well. I did my hair in a tight knot then slid on a hat that covered my eyes.

I packed my bag with the few things we had, and went downstairs to wait for the rest. Luke came down and slid me a knife. He didn't think I'd need it, but we wanted to make sure we were prepared. I stuffed it in with the other contents of the bag, then sat down at the old, musty couch and waited for Jason. When he came down, we all hurried to the train station. I regretted not telling Mom we were leaving, but I finally guilted myself enough to leave a note for her in the kitchen. I know I've been worrying her too much. She doesn't want to loose me, or anyone for that matter like she did Alan and my own Father.

We payed for our tickets on the train and hopped on. Luke snuck into the mayor's building and searched up the whereabouts of where the people they took are. We found it was underground in Muri. In fact, it was in the Mayor's office, where sometimes President Ember will be. Since Jason lived in a richer county then we did, he contacted a business and got them to loan us a car, and all we had to do was pick it up. He, of course, used a false name, as did Luke and I.

We got on the train and sat down. Time dragged on and finally we were in Muri. Luke went to the place where Jason ordered the car, and Jason and I waited at the train station, pretending to be busy. Luke soon returned with a huge van and we climbed inside. He typed in the address of the Mayor's Office and headed there. He parked in the back and pulled out a fake identity card. He handed one to each of us. We had manipulated the features of our face so no one would recognize us. We headed in through the back exit and cautiously searched for the entrance to the prison. Finally, when we found our way, I was the first to round the corner and almost bump into her.

"Sorry," Ember said, looking at my identity card, "Suzanne, didn't see you there. I've been a bit..." She paused, thinking, "occupied lately. My sincerest apologies," she smiled and continued her speed walk down the hall in the opposite direction as we were going. She was in the prison. Luke, Jason and I quickly hurried to the entrance and picked at the lock with a paper clip Jason had. It opened, and we flung the door open and bolted inside, locking it behind us. There was said to be an exit in the prison, so that's how Ember got around when no one was expecting her to come.

There was no one in the prison, surprisingly and we picked at the locks, freeing everybody. In the last cell we freed were Alan, Elliot, and Carolynn. Elliot ran to me and hugged me tight.

"Thank you!" He whispered into my ear, "it was torture down there."

I hugged Alan next. I missed them all so much. When we turned to show everybody out, we caught Luke and Carolynn in the moment. I felt so bad for Luke, he hasn't seen her in ages, and this is the first time he's known she's alive.

"Ahem," Alan began. "I've been in this cell not as long as she has, but I know we all want to get out before someone knows we're gone." We agreed and ran down the dim pathway and came across a locked door. Jason took out the paper clip and picked at it. It opened and we filed everybody into the van. There were only about 10 people, but the van was definitely crowded. We explained our escape, and our plan to free the other kids at the City, as part of a rebel plan.

We also went through the other plan, telling them what Morgan will be doing to get everybody in the spot we need them to be. Everybody agreed. The car ride was full of chatter and excitement. I sent Morgan a message for her to start her part of the plan.

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