Chapter 2.) The New Leaders

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I woke up at around 8:30. I was excused from normal work since I would be leaving, so I have some time to myself. I said goodbye to my mom and my family, since she had to leave for work in the bakery today. Luke stayed home with Alice, and Alan and I went outside to do chores. I still wanted to help on my last day, since I didn't want to be sitting back killing time until they arrived for me. We went into our small stable and Alan began to milk our goat, Bird. I went up to our albino pony, Cloud, which we received from Storm. I brushed out her hair and picked her hooves. Alan carried the bucket of milk inside, where Luke would help teach Alice what to do next.

I cleaned out her stable and added fresh hay and water. I walked out of the stable where Alan was waiting for me. "The Barn?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded. The Barn is the main restaurant here in Zale. Some of the men that hunt trade in their catch for free meals. We began our walk towards the restaurant and we see that there aren't as many people outside as there used to be. There are areas where the grass hasn't grown and it's just dirt. That's when I realized those areas used to be houses. I nudge him and whisper in his ear "What's been happening to the houses?"

"I don't know. I've never seen anything." He shrugged.

As we kept walking, I came across my friend Elliot's house to find that it, too, was burned to the ground, leaving only the dead dirt and ash in it's space. I gasped and held my hands over my mouth to keep me from screaming out in pain and anger. Alan wrapped his arm around my shaking body and kept telling me that it was okay, and that he was safe. That's so weird. I just saw him yesterday. He never said anything about something like this. I sighed.

We finally arrived at The Barn, and we walked in. The woman, Margie, recognized us and seated us by our usual spot- the window. We were served water and a small chicken breast sat on top a piece of fresh lettuce and a little biscuit. We began eating, and soon finished and paid for our meal. As we were leaving, I asked Margie, "Do you know what's been happening to all the houses disappearing?" She simply shrugged, saying, "I think Storm was given a list of names of families that must've done something and he needed to act appropriately on it." She said. I nodded and thanked her, then left with Alan. It was already about 5 o'clock by the time we got back. I quickly went up and said goodbye to Luke and Alice. I sat outside with Alan, waiting for them to come for me.

I could hear a train off in the distance. After a few minutes, Dr. Skilling appeared in the distance. She motioned for me to come with her. Alan and I stood up, and hugged. "Be strong, Evelyn. I love you." Alan said. I nodded. When we released, I waved to him and little Alice in the window. Luke waved behind her. I walked to Dr. Skilling, who walked hurriedly to the train I had heard and helped me on it.

"Clothes and stuff like that are in your car. You're car 1, since your the first one to be picked up." She said, leading me over to a sheet of paper taped up to the wall. On it were all these names of whom I'm guessing are the other people chosen for this. My name was typed at the very bottom. "Sign by your name." She said, handing me a pen. I scanned through the names. "Logan Tyarn... Nick Preston, Jason Glosse." I finally signed my name at the very bottom. Dr. Skilling led me to my room, which I would be sharing with another girl named Dawn. I looked in a dresser that had my name written on a piece of paper. There was a robe, gray t-shirt and black yoga pants, and a pale green nightgown. There were small, canopy beds and one large bathroom with a shower, sink, and toilet. There were already towels hanging on the rack.

I pulled a towel off the rack and tried to start the water. You could tell this train was from the city, since there were multiple dials for the temperature, and you could adjust how the water shoots out from the nozzle. I took a quick shower because I had really warm water and I didn't know how to adjust it yet. I wrapped myself in a towel and quickly changed into the clothes I was wearing before. I brushed out my dark brown hair and slid it into a French braid. I opened the door in the bathroom and walked back to my dresser, noticing a tablet on it. My mouth gaped open. For me? I tapped the screen gently and it lit up with a little note that said "Evelyn." I tapped my name, and a video popped up. It was of President Ember.

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