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I looked around the small,white room, panic surging through all parts of my body. I had tried the door in the corner about a thousand times, it was locked. Keep calm, keep calm. I paced around the floor, desperate for a way out. But where could I go?

I jiggled the door again. When it didn't open, I began pounding on it with my fists. Please, someone. I had no idea where the boys were, or where they were keeping her either. I backed up, then threw myself at the door. It bounced open, and I ran out and down the hall. Two burly men appeared and grabbed me by the arms and legs, carrying me back to the room. I screamed and kicked, but it was no use. Ember had emerged from a separate door.

"We'll need the better restraints, men," she said, sweeping a strand of hair out of her weary face. Instead of taking me back to the white room, they headed down a different hallway, one I never walked down before. They unlocked a door with a keycard and it immediately turned cold when they brought me inside. One man held me down while the other began cuffing my ankles together, then my knees. They tossed me into some sort of clear cell and then cuffed my wrists. They locked the door behind them, and the next one after that, leaving me in the cold, damp room.

"E-Evelyn?" A voice called me. "Is that you?"

It was her.

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