Chapter 9.) Social Residential Awareness

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So, I went back and kind of changed the Prologue. It won't really matter during the next few chapters, but it will later on. Just a heads up. Remember to vote, comment, and follow. Love you guys!

"Please, take a seat." She said. We all sat in the plastic chairs that were already spread out for us.

"I will be co-teaching you during this class with Dr. Skilling, although it will mainly be her. I wanted to begin the first class with all 48 of you. This class is very different from the rest. You will be presented with different video feeds from different counties. Some videos may seem normal, other may not. Your job is to detect which ones are normal and which ones aren't." This got some groans and murmurs from the class.

"You might think that this is an easy task, but I assure you it isn't. Someone could secretly be sliding something illegal into their pocket without anyone in the room knowing. You must find that one person. We cannot have any more Rebel Takeovers. They will ruin the peace between the counties and the City! Am I clear?" She said, raising her voice. Murmurs of "yes" were heard throughout the class.

"Good. Now, since you all have very little experience with this task, we will begin with a little role play. You all, split into groups of 6." People began rising in their seats.

"Wait!" She boomed. "On my go. I didn't tell you to begin! You don't know if this role play is showing something abnormal! You have to give an explanation for your decision. You can't just guess. This class allows you to make real-life decisions. You always have to go by the rules here, because your decisions will affect the people in the counties. Now, I hope you all are ready," while she was talking, Morgan looked over at me and nodded. She meant all of us working together in a group.


The 5 of us scrambled over to Morgan. Nick was being followed by Logan, and Dawn seemed almost reluctant, but she joined us. We needed one more. Nick finally reached us and Logan tried to hide between us so she could be with him, but Ember pointed her to a group that needed one person. She stomped her foot and left for that group. We sat on the floor and waited for the first group to start.

• • •

In the end, our group was the best, and we received a lot of smiles and nods of approval from Ember. She was impressed, which I needed to eventually get information out of her and Dr. Skilling. I felt like I had the hardest task for multiple reasons. For one, they're two people. And they're the 2 most powerful people here. I'll have to talk to the group to see if I could get some help.

When we got back to the dorms, Dawn joined Savana and Paige in one corner of the room near their beds, and Morgan, Noelle and I were on Noelle's bunk at the top. She snuck in a notebook and pencil, so we were writing notes to each other so that Savana and Paige wouldn't know our plans. We decided to tell Dawn that our group wouldn't work out after all, although it's actually worked out pretty well so far.

"Who would take her spot? Anyone?" Morgan wrote.

"If we need to divide in groups of 6, Logan FOR SURE would be with us." Noelle wrote back.

"Or we make sure at least 2 of us were in a group together. Which reminds me, I think we need one more person for SRA." I scribbled onto my page. (A/N, that stands for Social Residential Awareness, I didn't want to type it all out every time.)

"You're the one that doubled, that's right. Okay, either Jason or I will help you with that. I think I'd lean towards me. You've got to be careful though, Evelyn, because you're doing this for two classes. If anyone notices something suspicious, it's game over." Morgan wrote. She and Noelle began writing something, but Paige yelled from across the room, "Hey, how come you guys are so quiet?"

Morgan and I looked at each other, with the same expression of what do we say?, but with Noelle's smart wit, she spoke for us.

"It's a game, wanna play?" (A/N after I typed this, I thought of Blank Space by Taylor Swift, so I kept it in. <3)

Savana and Paige looked at each other, then said, "Nah, have fun with your little game." And the 3 of them began whispering back and forth to each other. We raised our eyebrows at each other.

"Why does Dawn like them so much all of a sudden?" Noelle wrote.

"I don't know." I replied, "She hated Logan and her ways, these girls are on the cusp of being the same way as she is. Honestly, I think she just wants to fit in."

Morgan began writing again, but an alarm on our tablets went off, telling us that it was time to go to dinner. We climbed out of the bed and went downstairs. We motioned all of the people in the group to sit with us, and Morgan went to go tell Dawn that we decided that our group wouldn't work out. Dawn, of course, went to go sit with Savana and Paige, and the rest of us with our group.

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