Chapter 8.) Classes

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Logan was on the other side of Nick, trying to have his full attention. Oh my god, she saw the kiss. Nick, obviously not wanting her doing that, kept "accidentally" elbowing her as he adjusted in his seat to face me more.

We kept conversation light, not wanting anything to be leaked to Logan. Eventually, after a 3 hour flight, we arrived at the secret location, which was in a mountain somewhere on the outskirts of Dust, one of the counties. They led us out of the plane and onto a launch pad, where Dr. Skilling led us to a cave. We traveled deeper into the cave until there was large opening that we went into, revealing a cafeteria with 2 doors, one for girls, one for boys.
We will be staying with 2 more pairs of girls, since there weren't enough rooms. Dawn and I ended up staying with Noelle and Morgan, and 2 other girls names Savana and Paige, who seemed about Dawn's age.

There were 3 bunk beds, 2 long dressers, and 2 showers. We claimed beds and sat on them, and then I realized I was the only one that saved something from the explosion. The book. I decided to keep it hidden from the others for now, even Dawn. That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning. The rebels. She said it was the rebels.

Weren't they in prison? Were there some that escaped, or were they hidden in plain sight? Where is Alan and Elliot? All these questions wandered around in my mind. I tossed and turned trying to find a comfortable position to sleep, my mind abuzz with questions, what-ifs, and worry. Finally, somehow I managed to fall asleep.

I woke up at the exact time. I hopped out of my bed and into the shower room with my towel. There was already someone in the other shower. I didn't waste time and hopped in to the frigid water and was out in about 5 minutes. I brushed out my hair and tied it into a quick ponytail. After about 15 more minutes, everyone was ready and we headed down together. Dawn was busy chatting with Savana and Paige. Morgan, Noelle, and I began thinking of a plan when we began classes later that day. Noelle, being the smart one, had an idea that might actually work, if we could pull it off.

We all sat together in the large, dim-lit cafeteria. Nick and Jason joined us. Dawn was with Savana and Paige over on the corner of the table. Nick leaned over to me and said, "She seems awfully close with them for having known them for less than a day. Who are they anyway?"

"Savana and Paige," I whispered, "our bunk mates." He nodded and went back to eating. As we left, we were handed schedules for later. I had chemistry at 9:40, public speaking at 10:25, physical training at 11. Then lunch, tablet guide, and then finally something titled "social residential awareness," which I had no idea what that was. After that, we were free until dinner.

I had an older boy named Dave as my lab partner. He seemed really kind, but he was shy. During my next class, public speaking, they made us come on this small stage and state a few things about ourselves, like our families, favorite colors, etc. The woman teaching us, Kathy, told us it was practice to get used to speaking out in public. When she said that, she looked at me. I knew she was thinking of that night at the ball. Everyone was. I didn't meet anyone's gaze as I walked in, I just stared down at my shoes. I was the first one to leave when the class was over.

Physical training was an entirely different story. They had all kinds of weapons for hand-to-hand combat and distance combat. Sargent Ryan told us that he needs to know that he can trust us with weapons like those before he ever lets us use them. He showed us a ton of forward and backward rolls and a ton of other stuff.

After that was lunch. Morgan wanted to give our group a name. We all sat at the end of the table and quietly talked about strategies. Nick had a really clever idea about having one of us purposely do good in public speaking that Kathy will ask us to help the others. If we do good, she'll know she can trust us. That's when we ask her about the rebels, during a holiday party. Nick knew so much about her because his oldest sister was chosen too.

We decided that there will be two of us, Jason and Morgan, that will get on Kathy's good side. Nick and I will get on Sargent Ryan's good side, Noelle for chemistry, and Dawn for tablet guide. When we find out what happens in Social Resident Awareness, they'll put me on that. I was nervous. What is Social Resident Awareness? Will we get caught? What will they do to us? I couldn't think of these anymore, because we had to continue on to our next class.

Tablet guide was literally just like it said it was. They taught us how to use our tablets, do work, and other cool stuff on it. For Social Resident Awareness, we were called to the bottom-most room in the hideout. When we got there, Ember was waiting for us.

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Ashley 😘

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