Chapter 18.) Moving Out

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At sundown we called everyone to meeting. Camilla told her story, and we all tried to come up with a plan of action.

"We could hop a ship," Jason shrugged.

"I say we stake our claim. We'll put up a fight!" Luke yelled.

"Guys, what about Evelyn's dad?" Morgan said, who was sitting next to me. "I'll bet she really wants to see him, as well as Luke and Alan, right guys?" She looked over at me. I looked at the floor and, with tears welling up in my eyes, I nodded, finding it hard to speak all of a sudden.

"What's your plan then? We can't stay here, because they'll come for us," Bailey, one of the women from the prison, asked, sweeping her short, black hair from her face.

"I- I don't know," Morgan looked down. Carolynn jumped and slammed her fists onto the wooden table we made.

"I got it! When Luke and I lived in our old county, I met a woman who was a stylist. She could cut hair, dye it, whatever we needed to disguise ourselves. Then, we come back and look for her father. Granted, it wouldn't change our faces, but it could make us harder to spot in a crowd," she looked at us for approval. I smiled at her.

"The only problem is we'd have to get there, and right now, the counties aren't the way to go. They're still searching for all of us," Noelle pushed her glasses farther up onto her nose.

"We walk around them," Camilla said. "Zale is the only county that's looking in the woods right now, as far as we know. If we leave at night, we'd have a better guarantee that they won't find us. Plus, who knows when they'll come looking."

"I guess we pack now," Nick looked around at all of us.

Elliot stood up and put his hand over the middle of the table. "Who's in?" No one moved for a few seconds, but then Jason put his hand over Elliot's. Carolynn and Luke came next, then Camilla, Morgan, and Noelle, then Alan, Then Nick and the others from the prison. I wiped my eyes and stood up, putting my hand on top of everyone else's.

"I'm in," I said. Everyone looked at each other with something in their eyes. Hope. We knew each other. We trusted each other.

"Ready?" Elliot yelled. "1, 2, 3-"

"BREAK!" We all shouted, throwing our hands in the air and cheering.

Right after that we took what we could and destroyed what we couldn't. We gathered where our meetings would take place and set off with Carolynn leading the way. Later, when the sun was beginning to rise, we were almost half of the way there, since it wasn't too far from Zale. We headed deeper into the woods and set up camp for the day. We would each take turns of 2 or 3 of us on watch duty. Nick, Elliot, and Orlando, a younger man from the prison, volunteered to take the first watch.

During the night we continued on our journey. Finally, we reached Mesa, the county they used to live in. Luke went into the county to look for the woman, since he wasn't one the of the people they were searching for.

"Wait!" Carolynn said. "She might be dead!" Luke stopped dead in his tracks and turned around.

"What?" He exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head.

"She could be dead. Sh-she was like 70 last time I saw her." Luke grunted.

"Why didn't you tell us beforehand? If she's not there, who are we going to go to?" He yelled.

"Luke I'm sorry, I just-"

"No, I'll just go see where she is. If she isn't there, we'll have to figure something else out before they come for us." He said, walking away. Carolynn looked at me.

"I just forgot to tell everyone. I'm so sorry, Eve." She ran towards me and hugged me.

"I know. It's not your fault. You of all people should know he has a hot temper," I told her. I did feel bad. It wasn't her fault.

"Being in that jail cell made me wonder. I constantly thought of him and you. You always seemed different, and I liked that. I wanted to become close to you, but I never had the chance."

I rubbed her back and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"This isn't just a silent rebellion anymore. It's war."

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