Chapter 30

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***Bo's POV***

I wake up to the sun shining through the windows. I am still wrapped in Harry's arms.

I slide out of the bed and head to the bathroom. I see my makeup is streamed down my face from all the tears I shed yesterday. I clean my face free of makeup. I don't bother putting anymore on as I am sure I will cry about something else today. Crying during my pregnancy has become the new normal. My tear glands are hypersensitive I guess. I throw my hair in a messy bun and make my way to the kitchen.

I put on a pot of coffee and cook some eggs. I place them nicely on a plate with some toast and plan on waking Harry shortly. I drink a cup of coffee and then head to the bedroom to wake Harry. The doctor told me 1 cup wouldn't hurt, but that I should watch my caffeine intake.

Harry is still fast asleep, his beautiful face seems to be at peace even after everything that happened yesterday.

I gently kiss his forehead and watch as he wakes up. His long lashes move as he blinks his eyes to adjust to the sunlight beaming into the room.

"Good morning Harry" I say.

I am not greeted with a good morning. Instead he pulls me into his chest and plants a long kiss on my lips.

"I made you breakfast." I say.

"Thank you babe, just let me take some aspirin and then I'll be out." He says.

I leave the room and return to the kitchen. I hear a knock at the door as I am waiting for Harry to come out of the bedroom.

I don't see Harry come out, so I choose to answer it. I open the door and my jaw drops.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I shout.

She looks at me with just as much disgust as I look at her.

"I could ask you the same thing." She says.

"No seriously, what the fuck?" I shout.

A smirk plays on her face and she announces, "I just came to return Harry's wallet, he forgot it after our fun night out together."

I am furious, I don't think I have ever been more angry in my life. Harry walks into the living room, perfect timing.

He looks bewildered. "Marissa, what are you doing here?" He says.

Before she can answer I go off on him.

"Why the hell does she have your wallet Harry? This is the fucking bitch from work that I told you tries to make my life hell and now I find out you were getting drunk with her last night." I yell.

"Bo, I'm so sorry. I just ran into her and she's an old friend. I didn't know this was the Marissa you talked about from work. I had no idea." He says with fear in his voice.

Moron-Issa chimes in, that is my nickname for her by the way, "yeah Harry and I go way back. I was one of his firsts and best if I may say so myself."

"Shut the fuck up Marissa." Harry shouts.

"How about get the fuck out!" I scream.

Marissa likes egging me on, but I think she realizes that that is her cue and she better leave. She mutters whatever and storms down the stairs to leave.

I turn to Harry. "Are you kidding me?" I shout.

"Bo, I'm so sorry. It was so dumb of me to even talk to her. I was just scared and confused. Drinking seemed like the only way to escape it." He apologetically says.

"Did you sleep with her?" I ask.

"What? Of course not Bo! I wouldn't do that to you!" He promises.

"At this point, I don't know what you would or wouldn't do to me. Instead of being a man and facing our situation you chose to go drink with that whore and do god knows what else while I sat here crying my eyes out." I say sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Bo, it was immature" he cries out.

I use my last bit of strength to harness my anger, "that's exactly right Harry, your immature! You don't deserve to be this babies father. You have made it clear that you don't want to be apart of mine of the babies life. So congrats, you got what you wanted, your single again and free. I'm done." I really feel like I'm done, all my energy is gone. I don't even have the energy to cry anymore right now.

Harry reaches for me, "Bo, please don't say that. I love you."

"Don't! You don't get to say those words!" I yell. I need to get out of here. I grab my bag and keys and head for the door. Harry grabs my arm. I turn and snap, "don't touch me!"

He quickly releases my arm but gives me a pleading look. I stare right through him and turn to exit the flat.

I drive to Tiff's and spend the day crying on her sofa. She consoles me and feeds me lots of desserts to try to help with the pain. Nothing can heal the pain I feel when I think of Harry, but at least the desserts are a small distraction.

I return home and my mom asks how everything went. I tell her I don't want to talk about it. All I want is for my head to hit the pillow and for this weekend to end.

I get up the next morning and head to work.

I tell Ashley and Jessica about my pregnancy and they are both ecstatic for me. They want to plan a baby shower for me. I am glad some people are excited about this baby, I need more people like that around me.

Thank god Marissa is out at a satellite office for at least this week. I may have fought a bitch if I saw her today.

I even decide to tell Liam about the baby. He is excited for me and says he just wants the best for me. We aren't as close as we were when I first started, but I know he is a good work friend.

It's finally 5:30 and I head to my car. As I head to my car I see a figure leaning up against the hood. I'm my stomach drops when I see the curly haired boy.

I approach my car and feel sick to my stomach. "Harry, what are you doing here?"

He looks up and looks stunned to see me. I am unsure why as he is the one sitting on the trunk of my car. "Oh um Bo, hi. Look I just came to say I'm sorry."

"Great, if that's all you can leave now." I say sternly.

"Bo, please talk to me." He pleas.

"Harry, I'm going to say this once. I am exhausted and angry. If you ever want the chance of me talking to you again you will give me space to breath and think. If you crowd me I will push you away even further." I say.

Harry looks like he is thinking. He opens his mouth to say something, but then stops. He processes for a few more seconds then says, "okay Bo."

& with that I unlock my car and get in. Harry moves off my hood and I pull away. I see Harry standing there in my rear view mirror, he's just watching me drive away.

I don't know what our future will hold but right now I need some space. What he did was wrong and I don't know if I can trust him.

Right now my priority is my baby and I plan of focusing on him or her for now.

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