Chapter 26

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***Bo's point of view***

**2 weeks later**

I was able to finish up work early today and have been feeling a bit better after the stomach bug passed. I decide to drop by Harry's new gym to see him since I haven't seen him in 7 days. Last time I saw him was just a quick dinner date. I don't like this feeling of us drifting apart.

I park outside the huge building and am in awe. It looks so modern and I see a good bit of cars in the lot. I enter to see the whole right side of the building is done being remodeled and boxers are training. I see Zayn out of the corner of my eye lifting weights.

"Hi Zayn!" I call out to him. He looks up and smiles at me. The last time I saw him was when I left in a hurry to get to Harry at Mac's gym, so I am hoping this isn't awkward.

"Hi Bo! It's been awhile, how are you?" He asks.

"I'm really good. My job is going well and I'm really happy for Harry and the boys for making this dream into a reality!" I say.

"Yeah totally! I love it here!" He exclaims.

"Babe?" I hear his voice call from behind me. I turn to see my curly haired boy with a look of confusion on his face then excitement. I smile, I love when he calls me babe.

"Hi!" I squeak. I then run to him and jump on him wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. The clipboard in his hand falls to the ground. He embraces me tightly and I take in his scent. He smells like himself with a mix of sweat from boxing I assume and bubble gum. I've missed him and I don't care if people stare at me for making a scene.

He kisses me and I can taste the sugary bubble gum on his lips.

"What are you doing here?" He laughs.

"I got off early and wanted to see you!" I grin.

"I'm glad you did. I've missed you. 7 days feels like a lifetime." He exclaims.

"Yeah, it really does." I agree.

Harry puts me back down to my feet but entwines our fingers to keep our bodies connected. He picks up the clip board and shoves it to some guys chest.

"Let me give you the grand tour." I shake my head agreeing.

He shows me the whole right side of the building that is done. It looks so state of the art and I can see the sparkle in Harry's eyes as he talks about his gym.

We go over to the left side where there are still tarps up and a good bit of work to be done. No one is over on this side except Harry and I.

He takes me to a room with a few bench presses in it. I sit on one and he sits across from me on another.

"This place is amazing Harry. I'm so proud of you." I say.

"Thanks Bo." He blushes.

Harry continues to tell me about the renovations that will be done on this side. I am listening but at the same time I am taking in the breathtaking man sitting in front of me.

He is wearing a cut off tank top, so his toned arms are in full view. His messy curls fall perfectly on his forehead and his green eyes glimmer. His scar has just become a part of the beautiful human that is Harry. I watch as he talks enthusiastically about everything and his face lights up. His hands move with his words and he gestures to enforce his excitement.

I start to focus on his lips as he speaks. They are plump and bright pink. I watch as his tongue slips out and he swipes it across his bottom lip. My heart rate starts to pick up. I've missed every inch of Harry's body and I want to re-acquaint myself with it right now.

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