Chapter 17

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***Harry's POV***

I knew I was in trouble when I opened the door and looked down to see Bo. I thought it was going to be Mac at the door, so I was in total shock.

Her face was red with anger and I knew this wouldn't be good.

"What the fuck Harry?"

I blurt out, Bo I can explain. She didn't let me say another word.

"You lied to me Harry. You promised you wouldn't ever fight again and here you are. What is wrong with you!?"

I am so sorry Bo, Mac was in trouble and I had to help him. I try to reach for her but she takes a step back.

I wait for her to say something and am shocked when she barrels forward and pushes me back. I stumble back into the room as I was not expecting this from her.

"I can't believe you. I can't trust you!" She screams as I see tears streaming down her face.

Bo please don't say that. I won't ever lie to you again.

"That's probably a lie too." She sniffles.

I grab her arm and she flinches.

"I'm done Harry."

My body is frozen as she swats my hand from her arm and she heads out the door. I don't know what to do. I am about to lose it. I run after her.

Bo, wait please don't leave me!

"I can't do this anymore. It's too painful."

Please Bo, I will do anything. Tears well in my eyes. I can't lose the one thing that makes life worth living. She is my everything and I can't go on without her.

"Please just leave me alone Harry."

& with that she walks out of the building.

I go home to an empty apartment and cry all night. I can't sleep without her. My bed feels empty. I finally manage to shut my eyes and doze off for a little after I take some sleeping pills.

***Bo's POV***

***2 weeks later***

I wake up and force myself to get out of bed to go to Transparency.

The day goes by slowly and my mind wanders to the curly haired boy that I haven't seen in 2 weeks. He has called and texted me over 400 times. I am not even exaggerating. I feel bad as his texts are desperate to get a response from me, but I can't reply. He has hurt me too many times and I can't trust him. I want space to breath, finally the last 3 days he has stopped texting and calling me.

It is hard because when I think of Harry my stomach flutters as my body and mind crave him, but at the same time I feel sick to my stomach. I don't know what to do. I don't think we are good for each other at this point. We are toxic. I don't think Harry is fully committed to sharing everything in his life with me, so I can't be fully committed to him. As much as I want to go over to his apartment and tear his clothes off, I know I can't.

I see Dylan at the end of the day and he tells me there is a soccer practice tonight for the work team and that I should go. I think it over and decide why not since I have nothing else to do, but sit and sulk about Harry.

"Yay! Thank you for agreeing to come Bo! I can drive you to the practice then drop you off back at your car at work if you want."

Sure. That works perfectly!

After work I meet up with Dylan in the parking lot. He leads me to his car, it's a sports car. I am not a fan, Harry's SUV is much more comfy and has a lot more room.

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