Chapter 18

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If Harry wants to fight, then fine. I will give him a fight.

I stand there pinned against the wall with my chest heaving. I know exactly what to say to piss him off.

Be careful where you are touching Harry, Liam's fingerprints may still be there.

I see the utter shock and hurt on his face. I take this opportunity while he is caught off guard to break my hands free from his hold.

I push him up against the opposite wall with my hands. I assumed at this point I would take this opportunity to run out of his apartment, but what I did next took me by surprise.

I grabbed Harry's hips and kept him pinned up against the wall. I then connected our lips in a sloppy kiss. Harry's lips did not move at first as I believe he was caught off guard. One moment we were fighting and the next I am kissing him. He finally realizes what is happening and deepens the kiss into a more passionate one. I allow him to push me back into the wall. He sucks on my neck as I palm his jeans. He lets out a moan, "Fuck Bo."

I like hearing him moan and want to hear it again.

I lift my legs and wrap them around Harry's waist. Harry grabs my bum to hold me up.

He leads us over to the bed and lays me on my back. I lean up and start tearing Harry's clothes off. First I pull his shirt off and then fumble with the button on Harry's jeans. I pull the zipper down and pull them off as quickly as possible. I can see the bulge prominently through his boxers. I want to feel him.

Before I can take his boxers off he starts to undress me. He pulls the hem of my shirt up a bit and starts leaving kisses on my stomach. I moan as he kisses in between my breasts.

Harry pulls my shirt up over me head and then lifts me up to undo the clasp of my bra. I am now bare on the top half of my body. I have no time to feel embarrassed as Harry starts to suck on my chest. I feel overwhelmed with pleasure.

I reach into Harry's boxer and can feel his prominent length. Harry comes back up to my face.

"You're so beautiful." I lift my hips to feel his boner pushing against me.

Our lips connect passionately. All of a sudden I hear Harry's phone ring. He ignores it. Then it rings again. He still ignores it. Finally someone calls a third time and I tell Harry he better get it.

He groans and gets up off me reluctantly to get his phone which is in his jeans' pocket on the floor.

"What?!" He says, I can sense the irritation in his voice. I feel the same way sort of, I yearn to feel him and this person is delaying that.

"Hold on, calm down Jess! What happened? When?" He says urgently. I get concerned as Harry looks like something bad has happened.

"We'll be right there!" He hangs up the phone.

What happened?! I ask urgently.

"Jason had a heart attack. Jess and Sophie are with him in the ambulance on the way to the hospital."

Oh my god, Harry.

"We need to go now." He hurriedly slips on his jeans and the black t-shirt that I had torn off of him a few minutes ago.

I quickly get up and put my bra, shirt, and pants back on. I rush to put my socks and sneakers on as Harry is already half way out the door.

I follow behind him and jump in his black SUV.

It is quiet on the drive to the hospital. Harry's phone dings. I pick it up.

From: Jess
"Harry, doctors say Jason is going to be alright. You don't need to rush, but I could use my brother here with me since Mom is out of town."

Harry, Jess said Jason is okay. We don't need to speed. She wants to see you though.

Harry sighs in relief. "Thank god!" He slows down a bit as we continue our journey to the hospital.

I am trying to process what just happened. A few hours ago I hated Harry for lying to me, then I tried to fuck him, and now we are on our way to the hospital together. What a weird day...not to mention I am still trying to come down from my turned on state.

I clench my thighs together and let out a deep breath.

"I'm sorry we got interrupted. I'll make it up to you later." He says with a cheeky smile.

I blush. I don't know if I totally forgive Harry for what he did, but I am not going to bring it up now with the current circumstance. Part of me wants to forget about it and move forward. The other part of me is saying why the fuck are you in this car with him right now. He needs me, I can't leave him when something bad has happened. I have this inner fight inside my head until we get to the hospital.

We pull up and Harry gets out and comes over to open my door. He puts out his hand for me to grab and I jump down out of the car. He doesn't let go of my hand once I am down. He entwines our fingers and we walk into the hospital.

I hate hospitals. Who doesn't. But I am here to support Harry. Harry goes over to the desk and asks what room Jason is in. We then take the elevator to the 8th floor and go to the 3rd door on the right.  I see Jess sitting in the chair next to Jason's bed with Sophie on her lap.

"Jess!" Harry exclaims and runs in to hug her. Harry is so cute as a doting brother. I sit and gawk as I stand in the door way.

"Thanks for coming Harry!" Jess hugs him a little longer then her eyes meet mine.

"Bo? I didn't think you and Harry..." she gets cut off by Harry turning to Jason and hugging him in the hospital bed.

"Hey man, I'm really glad you are okay."

Jason looks weak, but not terrible.

"Thank you guys for coming. I appreciate you being here for Jess, Sophie, and I.

I speak up. I'd like to give you guys some alone time. Can I take Sophie down to the cafeteria to get some ice cream?

Sophie recognizes the word ice cream and lights up putting her hand out towards me.

"Sure Bo, that would be great!" Jess says.

I pick Sophie up off Jess' lap and head out of the room. As I take Sophie to the cafeteria I think about what Jess said. Harry must of told her about how I found out about the fight and broke things off. She was very shocked to see me.

Sophie and I get some chocolate ice cream and sit at one of the tables for about 30 minutes. I buy her a teddy bear from the gift shop. She hugs it tightly and calls it Beary. I can't take how adorable she is. I have to be careful spending this much time with her as it gives me baby fever. I know that Harry and i have way too many problems to even think about kids, but I can't help but think about him  doing cute dad things.

I finally decide it is time to go back upstairs. Sophie likes riding the elevator and says, "Wee" the whole time. When we get back to the room I put her down and she runs over to Jess and gives her a big hug. It is 9pm at this time. Harry is sitting on the couch sleeping while Jess is in the chair.

Jess whispers to not wake up Harry or Jason. "I'm really glad you are here Bo. Harry was lost without you these past two weeks. He wouldn't sleep or eat as much as I tried to get him to."

I'm glad I'm here too. I smile.

"Well I better take Sophie to one of the nursing rooms to see if I can get her to fall asleep."

Okay, see you in a bit.

Jess and Sophie leave the hospital room. I decide to sit down next to Harry. I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes to drift off for a bit.

I am completely relaxed leaning into Harry's body.

Goodnight Harry, I whisper.

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