Chapter 29

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***Bo's POV***


I am dreading today. I just want to get it over with. Telling Harry he is going to be a father is terrifying. I have so many what ifs going through my head. The anxiety is overwhelming. I take one of my pills to try to calm down. It is 11:30 so I head to my car to start my journey to Harry's flat.

When I pull up, I see his black SUV in the parking lot. I knew he would be home, but I was still wishing he wouldn't be.

I walk slowly up the stone path to Harry's door and lightly knock. Harry opens the door with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi baby, I've missed you." He says and pulls me into a hug.

I wrap my arms around him and squeeze hard. I don't want to let go because when I do I know I will have to tell him.

He finally releases me from our hug. He kisses my forehead and leads me inside. We sit on the couch. Harry pulls his face in close to mine and lets our foreheads touch. I am breathing heavy. He connects our lips into a passionate kiss. I can feel his one hand on my neck and the other slowly running up my thigh.

As good as this feels I have to stop this and tell him.

I pull back and disconnect our lips. We are both panting now from our heated kiss.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asks sincerely.

"I have to tell you something." I announce.

He sits up and keeps his eyes locked on mine. "Okay, what is it?" He asks.

"I don't know how to say this..." I stumble.

Harry grabs my hand and looks at me with his puppy dog eyes. "Please don't break up with me. Please don't leave me Bo." He begs.

"Harry, that's not what I'm trying to say." His face looks to relax in relief. If only he knew what I am about to say next.

"Then what is it, Bo?" He questions, still holding my hand.

I don't know how else to say it other than just blurting it out, so that's what I do.

"I'm pregnant." I blurt out.

Harry looks at me with a blank stare. I can tell he is processing. "What?!"

"Well you know I've been throwing up a lot and exhausted. I thought it was the stomach bug or flu but it turns out it's pregnancy. I am 8 weeks along, we conceived her in the gazebo at Hayley's party." I say.

"Her?" He says.

"Well I don't know that it's a her, but it's just a hunch. We can find out the gender in another 6 to 8 weeks." I say.

Harry sits silently and then removed his hand from mine and backs away.

"Bo, this can't be happening. You're on the pill." He states.

"The doctor said it's only 99% accurate." I say sadly.

"Bo, this is going to ruin our lives." Harry says as he stands up. He is moving farther and farther away from me.

His words anger me a bit. This is our child, not a burden.

"I know this wasn't part of our plan Harry, but it happened. This baby is a blessing." I say.

"How can you say this is a blessing Bo? Your career is ruined and this baby will ruin mine as well. I'm not equipped to be a father. I can't even take care of you yet." He yells.

Tears start to stream down my face. "Harry, I know you aren't a static about this baby, but it is ours. I will do this with or without you." I state with as much courage as I can muster.

Harry's hands are running through his hair and I can tell he is panicked.

"Fuck!" He screams and turns to the wall and punches a whole into it. I flinch at his anger.

This was a mistake, I shouldn't have told him. I can be a good mother on my own. I can do this on my own. I keep telling myself that over and over trying to convince myself it's true.

Harry looks angry, upset, and confused all in one. Without another word Harry swings the front door open and storms out, leaving me in this empty apartment with just my thoughts.

I begin to cry and hold my stomach. I don't want to do this without Harry, but it is a harsh reality I may need to accept.

I lay there for what seems like hours and I realize it has been when I look out the window and see it's dark. I decide it's probably best for me to go home. I gather my belongings and head for the door.

I jump back as the door swings open. Harry stumbles in leaning against the wall. He smells of whiskey.

"Harry, are you drunk?" I question.

He smirks at me, "Maybe?"

He seems unsure of what he is even saying. If I had any strength left I would walk out on him and leave him to take care of himself, but he's my Harry and I can't.

He stumbles and almost falls over. I grab ahold of his arm and start to lead him back to the bedroom. It is a struggle as I have most of his weight falling on me.

We manage to make it to the bedroom. I basically push him so that he falls on to his bed. He is mumbling but I can't hear him as his face is in the pillow. I turn him and start to undress him from his dirty alcohol stained clothes. It smells like he spilled a bottle of whiskey on his clothes as well.

"Harry, please sit up for a second." I say. He struggles, but complies. I start to pull the shirt over his head. He begins to speak.

"Bo, I'm sorry I ruined you." He says, sadness clear in his voice.

"Harry, you didn't ruin me. Nothing you have done has ruined me. Yes, this baby was not planned, but they were made from love and that's what matters." I say.

Harry is quiet. "I guess I didn't think of it that way." He says.

"I know this won't be easy, but I think we can do it together. I mean I thought this would happen later in my life, but I always knew I wanted kids so I guess now works." I laugh.

He laughs with me then puts on a serious face. "Bo." He says.

"Yes Harry." I say, anxious as to what he will say next.

"I think you'll make a great mom." Even drunk Harry is sincere. My heart melts and the tears start to flow.

Through sobs of happiness I manage to say, "thank you Harry. It means a lot."

Harry takes me in his arms and pulls me into him. We collapse into the bed and hold our tight embrace. I kiss his forehead and close my eyes. I am terrified for what the future holds, but I know with Harry by my side everything will be okay.

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