Chapter 16

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*** 1 week later ***

It's the morning of my first day of work. I am excited to start working for Transparency, but also very nervous. This is my first full time job after graduating college. I am not sure I know what to expect.

I think about how the day will go as I sit at the kitchen counter eating my cereal. My phone buzzes and I am pulled out of my thoughts.

From: Harry
Have a great first day babe! I know you'll do awesome! XOXO - Harry

Thanks Babe! I text back.

My heart flutters at the site of Harry's name. I haven't really seen him since our heated moment a week ago. He said he has a lot going on with training clients and I've been catching up with friends as well. I met up with Hayley for lunch one day. She's doing well and invited Harry and I over for a pool party this weekend. I also had a sleepover with Tiff one night and it was good to catch her up on Harry and I. We love to talk about boys.

I decided I should probably get dressed as I had to leave in 30 minutes. I had already done my make up and hair first thing when I woke up. I curled my hair and put on a light pink lipstick. I decided to wear my light green flower dress for my first day. It was the perfect dress for summer. I slipped on some black sandals to complete the look.

I grabbed my keys off the counter and headed to my car.

Oh that's right I forgot to mention, I got a car last week as well. It's an old beat up Ford truck, but hey at least it gets me where I'm going. I'm not one to make a fuss about what something looks like. I just need something practical and reliable.

I get to work pretty quickly since the office is only 10 minutes from my house.

I enter through the employee entrance and am greeted by the pretty receptionist.

"Hi Bo, I never formally introduced myself. My name is Jessica."

Nice to meet you Jessica. I smile.

"You too. I will show you to your desk."

Thank you.

"Today you will mostly just be reading the HR handbook and sitting in on a few meetings."

Sounds good! Jessica then leaves me at my desk.

It is a cubicle in the middle of the floor. It's a decent size and has a comfy chair. I will start to decorate it as the weeks go by to make it cute. Maybe put a picture on my desk of Harry & I.

I spend the morning reading over policies and then have lunch with Jessica. She is really nice and likes photography. She tells me about some sports teams that the office has made. I think about maybe joining one to get to know my coworkers better even though I am clumsy and not made to play sports.

In the afternoon I sit in on a meeting that Ashley runs. She waves Hi to me and asks how my first day is going. I tell her good and we chit chat before the meeting starts.

The meeting is about how to draw inspiration from the world and tools on how to be creative. Transparency is about being ourselves and drawing from our personal experiences for our writing. Ashley says my first assignment is to write something geared towards the local community college students. The column is due in a week. It's scary to think I have my first deadline.

In the afternoon I meet a guy named Dylan. He seems really nice and says he plays on the soccer team for work. He convinces me to sign up.

I spend the rest of the day brainstorming ideas, but don't settle on one yet.

It is finally 5:30pm and it's time to go home. I decide to pick up some Chinese food and drop by Harry's flat. When I get there no one is home. I pull out my phone and call Harry, but he ignores my call.

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