Chapter 22

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***Harry's POV***

It's Saturday and we are getting ready to go Hayley's party. I am not ecstatic about going since last time we were there Bo got into a fight. I don't want anything to happen like that again to Bo. Although she did handle herself well in the brawl, I do not want to see another soul lay a finger on her.

Bo is in the bathroom getting ready. She has been in there for over an hour.

"Bo, come on! The party already started." I look at my watch, it's 6pm.

I hear her reply, "Calm down babe, I'm coming!"

I like when she calls me babe. No one has ever called me that, no one has ever been close enough to me to use that term of endearment. I'm glad Bo is the one who changed that. I can't imagine being with anyone else.

I am snapped out of my thoughts as Bo walks out of the bathroom. My jaw drops and all I manage to say is, "wow!"

Bo has brown curled locks that fall right below her chest. They slightly cover the white bikini top she has on. Her breasts are in full view. God, she's hot. I can't believe she is going to wear this revealing white bikini to the party.

I finally find my words. "Bo, you can't wear that!"

She snaps back, "And why can't I?"

"It's wayyy to revealing and sexy." I remark.

"Harry, it's fine. Don't be jealous, I'm yours."

I guess she makes a good point, but I am still not happy about her wearing this in front of other guys.

"Fine," I sigh.

She slides on a green dress coverup, but before she pulls it down I slap her ass.

"Harry!" She giggles and pecks me on the cheek.

"What, I couldn't help it." I say with a cheeky grin.

I grab her hand and we head out the door to go to Hayley's house.

Not long after we pull up to Hayley's, there are a lot of cars in the long driveway. There are at least 50 people here by the looks of it. Hayley's idea of a get together is 50+ people where mine is like 5-10 people.

I park and take a deep breath. Bo puts her hand on mine and squeezes.

"Come on, it'll be fun." She says reassuringly.

I get out and help her get out of her side of the car.

As we reach the entrance I grab Bo's hand and entwine our fingers. I am not letting go of her this time.

We weave through the people and get to the backyard where I finally spot Hayley sitting next to the pool. I see Louis sitting next to Hayley as well. He looks drunk as ever, typical Louis.

We approach them.

"Hey guys!" Bo blurts out excitedly and she hugs both of them.

"Omg good to see you Bo!" Hayley exclaims. Louis is so drunk that he mimics Hayley and says the same thing in a high pitched voice.

I hug Hayley and bro hug Louis. We all take a seat on the cushioned chairs next to the pool. Bo sits right next to me with our thighs touching. I sling my arm around her back.

I pray that Louis is going to behave himself tonight, but judging by the way he is chugging his beer, it is doubtful.

"So Bo, I see your still with this wanker." Louis blurts out. I glare at him.

Bo giggles and leans further into me.

"Yeah, he's tolerable." She replies.

"Hey guys, what is this? A bash Harry party?" I question sarcastically.

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