Family Conflict

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My parents and I talked for a little while longer. We talked about all sorts of things. The movies I shot (they love that they often know everything about it before their friends do), their birthdays I sadly missed and about my extended family I haven't seen in months either. „Sweetheart, I really think you work too much. You just did 3 movies in one year!" My mom looks concerned. „Mom, I'm fine, really. I'm lucky enough to be in this business, I do the thing I love and Don is a big help as well. You know my family comes first and always will. I would never work too much so I don't have enough time with Herny and Don. Yes, I didn't have much time with them the last year but it'll calm. And I didn't like it either and I hate that I missed both of your birthdays and I'm still sorry. I'm trying my best to find time for everything and everyone. I'm in the industry for 7 years now, I've done quite a lot already, we're financially stable and technically I could work less but I love my job and I'm 34 now. Which is actually not that young for Hollywood. Please understand, I wanna do this as long as I have the opportunity to and it will change. Okay? Just believe me. Please" There is silence. I noticed I raised my voice at the end although I didn't want to. I look from my mom to my dad and back. I sigh. None of them says anything. My dad looks to the floor and my mom is playing with her wedding ring. „Look" I start, „You don't need to understand, okay? But please, at least try. I love what I do." They both are still not responding. I roll my eyes and let out a snort. „I think we should go. Don said something about Dr. James coming around so we better be gone" says my mom while getting ready to leave. „Mom..." I can't believe her sometimes. I look at my dad, kind of desperate to be honest but he's doing the same. „Seriously? No answer and we're not gonna talk about it?" I cross my arms in front of my chest. „I will call you. I love you" my mom gives me one last sad look and then leaves. My dad is behind and before he leaves he gives me a kiss on my cheek and whispers „Don't be mad at your mom. You know she loves and misses you very much. So do I but we both are really proud of you. Never forget that, love" he turns around and closes the door behind him. That's not how I imagined their visit. I'm angry, sad, disappointed and mad. I don't know what to feel but I can't think about it any longer because there is a knock on the door and Dr. James comes in. „How are you feeling, Mrs. Gummer?" „Much better, thanks" I try, and succeed, to push my feelings away to focus on what Dr. James has to say. „Good! So I thought we should talk about what is gonna happen now and how we proceed. Is that okay?" he takes the chair and sits at the end of my bed after he did a quick check on Mamie. „Yeah, sure!" I reply. „Okay, great! So, I assume the nurse already told you the recovery from a C-section often takes a while. After all, it's a surgery and like usually you can't really cut back and rest" he nods to Mamie's crib and I smile at his little joke. „That's for sure" I say. „It's important you still try to rest as much as possible. Don't move or lift up too much, otherwise there is a possibility your stitches will open again or the scar won't heal properly. You have to stay with us at least 3 more days and then give your body up to 6 weeks to fully heal. I will give you some painkillers. Don't lift anything heavier than your baby and allow yourself up to 8 weeks before you get back to your normal routine. These are the most important things. I will give you a brochure with other small things you need to pay attention too. But that's about it." finishes Dr. James. „Any questions?" „No, thank you Dr. James" I squeeze his hand a little as a sign of my gratitude. „Just doing my job Mrs. Gummer" then he leaves. That was quicker than I thought. I call Don right away after Dr. James leaves the room. „Mr. Gummer's office, assistant Henry speaking. How can I help?" I wanna laugh but it's so cute and I hold it together and continue the little roleplay. „Mrs. Gummer speaking. I need to speak to your boss. Is he available?" I answer as serious as possible. There is silence and then all I hear is „Daddy, you alavaiable?" I can't keep it together anymore and laugh but get back into role when I hear Henry talking to me again. „He is." „Hi, honey" it's like a reflex and I start smiling when I hear his voice. „Hi, darling. How are you two?" „Oh we are great. As you probably already know, I found a new assistant" „HELLO" Henry screams in the background. „And how is my beautiful wife and gorgeous daughter?" „We are good. Mamie is sleeping and Dr. James just left. We were mostly talking about my recovery. I need to stay 3-5 days in the hospital and it takes my body up to 6 weeks of rest to fully heal. A few other little things but nothing exciting" my eyes wander to Mamie and I just watch her little face. „Mary?"
„Did you hear what I just said?"
„Did you watch Mamie?"
„Yeah" I can't see Don but I know he's smiling.

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