It's time

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I got suddenly woken up by another sting. This time more intense and it didn't go away right away. I place my hand on my belly, right on the spot it hurt. „You won't let me sleep today don't you?" I whisper to my baby bump. My alarm next to my bed tells me it's 3am. Don is no longer spooning me and I miss it already. No one ever gave me this feeling of home and safety before him. I needed this feeling more than anything else in the last months. I think a lot about how we will handle a 2 year old, a baby and our careers.
„I know you love your work and I love mine but I'm willing to take a break so you can still work. I don't want you to stop doing what you love" I said to my husband. „Honey, I don't want you to stop acting. I wanna help you. We're financially stable. All I want is spending as much time as possible with you and the kids" was his response, followed by a kiss and hug. It's ridiculous how many times we talked about this and it ended always with the same conclusion.
„Aaah", I groan when another sting came. I wait until the pain got less and get up. Don is still asleep and I sneak out of the room as quiet as possible. „Aaaaah" another one. By now I know it's not just any pain, the are contractions. I stop and to lean against the wall to catch my breath before I continue walking. Finally I enter the closet. My bag for the hospital is packed but I just want to check once again if I really got anything. I could wake up Don to help me but he will panic again. I let out a snort when I think about the day we went to the hospital when Henry came. He was all over the place. It was cute and once he calmed down he was in the right state of mind to drive me to the hospital.
„Let me drive. I love you but I don't trust you right now to bring us to the hospital safely" I said to him. „You can't possibly drive!" he almost yelled back at me. „I need you to calm down, okay? Everything will be okay" I kiss him on the cheek and after that he was okay. It was like he just needed to hear that.
After that he promised me he won't do that again next time and I believe him but I also know him too well and he will panick. By now I have all my things gathered and I'm ready to leave. I grab the bag and make me on the way back to our bedroom. I didn't feel a contraction for about 3 minutes and I prepare myself for an intense one. Just as I enter our bedroom a big and intense contraction came. This time I couldn't hold back and let out a loud scream. I grab the doorknob and hold my baby bump with the other hand. I don't look up but I can hear Don basically jumping out of bed. „Hospital. Now" is all I say. He runs out of the room, leaving me standing there, barely standing up because of the pain. I just catched my breath when I feel another contraction building up. I was already weak and tired and don't know if I could do the next one and holding myself up. Out of nowhere I feel Don's hand on my back. I turn around and grab his arms when I let out another scream. „Let's go." he says. He does seem more calm than last time which actually surprises me. He throws the bag over his shoulder and gives me both hands to hold me as much as possible when I go down the stairs. We have to stop on the middle of the stairs because I was in too much pain. „Did you call my parents to come over?" I ask while we continue our way to the bottom of the stairs. „Yes, they'll be here in 5mins and will take care of Henry" he assures. I try my best to go to the car as fast as possible but the pain and contractions, who now came every 2 minutes, slow me down. Don doesn't let my hands go until I sit down in the car. He practically slams the door, throws my hospital bag on the backseat and starts the car as soon as he sits down. We didn't talk much during the drive. He is concentrating to get us safe to the hospital and I focuse on my breathing. There isn't much traffic and we never had to stop at a traffic light so it only took us 10 minutes to get there. Don parks the car on the nearest parking lot to the ER entrance. He goes around the car, gets the bag and helps me out of the car. I never felt so much and intense pain than right now. The midwife didn't lie when she said it will be worse with a girl. Eventually we enter the building. The nurse saw us coming and got me a wheelchair already. Without a word Don goes to the register counter while the nurse takes me to a room. „My wife's name is Mary Louise Gummer. She should be registered" I hear Don saying from the distance. „How long are you having contractions?" the nurse asks while helping me out of the wheelchair. „Around 30 minutes but they come within every 2 minutes" I answer. I just finished the sentence when I feel another one. By now I'm lying in a bed and I just hope everything will be okay. „I will get the doctor. I'll check on your husband and let him know which room you are in" then she disappears. Not even 1 minute after the nurse left, Don enters the room. He looks at me with such calmness in his eyes. „Everything will be okay. I love you" he grabs my hand and kisses me on my forehead. „Mr. and Mrs. Gummer, I'm Doctor James. If you prefer a woman, let me know now please." Dr. James says in a strong but caring voice. „No it's fine." I reply. Dr. James gives us a warm smile. „Alright then, are you ready?"

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