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An hour and a half later Don and my mother-in-law walk through the door. Meanwhile I got myself together and got Mamie. She is now, for once, not asleep but whining in my arms. The rocking always worked with Henry and I'm glad it work with Mamie as well. It definitely makes it a lot easier.
„Hi Dorothy" I welcome my mother-in-law with a hug and a kiss on her cheek
„Hey lovely" she gives me a kiss in return „I know you two forgot I'm coming today. Donny told me in the car" she adds whispering. I blush. „But I also know what happened and I'm just glad my Donny is okay. And you have other things on your mind as well."
„Thank you and I'm really sorry" I mouth
„And who is this little sweet pea?" her attention turns to Mamie on my arm.
„Mom, meet Mamie" Don comes up to me and gives me a kiss on my cheek from behind.
„Here" I lay Mamie in Dorothy's arms
„Oh she is GORGEOUS" looking at her face I can slowly see her feelings change. „I wish Will would be here..." her voice is shaking.
„He is. He will never leave your side"
She looks up. „Thank you, Mary. You are right"
We all just sit and talk about everything that happened since we saw her last time. After a while Mamie starts crying and I know she's hungry. Dorothy decides to leave so I can feed her and she really wants to see Henry as well. Ever since she arrived she doesn't stop talking about all the things she wants to do with him. She even promised to make us breakfast in bed every other morning, helps us with the kids so we still can have some alone time. I always loved when she visits and stays with us, it's a bit like we're on vacation and who doesn't love that? Before they left I packed some of my things I don't need anymore and Don takes it home. If everything is okay, I can go home tomorrow and I can't wait to see and be with Henry again.
Around 11pm that day Mamie is sorted out and I was just falling asleep when the phone rings. A little annoyed I turn around and pick up the phone. But my mood lightens up as soon as I hear Don's voice. „Hello?"
„Hi honey. Did I wake you up? You sound sleepy"
„I was just about to go to sleep"
„Oh I'm sorry. I just wanted to wish you a goodnight and I'm sorry for my behavior today"
„Darling, you had a car accident and for some idiotic reason you wanted to meet the family of the deceased" I hear him laugh at the other end.
„It was indeed idiotic. I blame it on my concussion"
„Fair enough"
„Anyway, I will let you go to sleep now. I will pick you up tomorrow, just let me know when. I love you"
„Will do. See you tomorrow. I love you too" and with hat said I hang up
Turning back again I fall asleep almost immediately.
„Mrs. Gummer?" I hear someone say outside from the corridor. Someone's voice I recognize immediately.
„Come on in, Amy"  did I sleep until now? What time is it? The time on the phone next to my bed tells me it's already 9am. Why do I sleep so much and more important, why do I sleep so much better in a hospital? Mamie woke me up three times in the night which never happened before. That could explain why. The door opens and Amy enters the room. She's holding a glass with my medication in it. „Good morning" I greet her with a smile
„Are you ready to go home?" she says, smiling back.
„Definitely. But I will miss you." and I don't just say hat, I really mean it."
„I will miss you too, Mrs. Gummer" she hands me my medication and I swallow it
„Come again before I leave" Amy nods with a smile and leaves the room.

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