Home sweet home

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Mary's POV
Less than an hour later Don is at my door with a flower bouquet. We gather my things when someone knocks on the door. „That must be Amy" Don says. My face lights up. I open the door and Don was right, it is Amy.
„Amy" I hug her. „Thank you for everything. I will really miss you" I hug her tighter and stroke her back.
„No need to thank me. I'm just doing my job here. And patients like you make my work so much better. So I have to thank you." she replies
„We need to come back next week for routine checks. Maybe we'll see you then"
„I hope so. I'll let you go now. It was a pleasure to be your nurse" we hug for a few more seconds and then she leaves.
„She's a good one" I say to Don. He only nods and grabs Mamie's maxi-cosi, while I carry my bag and Don's flowers. Together we walk out, saying goodbye to Doctors and nurses we met during my stay here. Because of that it took us a little longer but we eventually sit in the car. Mamie is in her car seat in the back, close to falling asleep. „Let's go home" I give Don a kiss on his cheek and he starts the car.
Don drives in our driveway. „It's good to be home again" I say to myself. The car stops in front of the front door. I reach out to the car door handle. „Wait" Don says. He gets out of the car and I see him walking to my side of the car. I smile at him though the window. How did I get so lucky? A question I ask myself almost every day. He opens the door and even though I was fine the last few days, my scar hurts when I get up. He had to see the pain in my face because he grabbed my arm and supported me when getting out of the car. „I will take Mamie. You okay with the flowers?" I can hear in his voice that he isn't even joking.
„Yes, I'm good with the flowers, thank you" he gives me a smirk.
I wait for him to get Mamie and we walk together up the stairs. Before we arrive at the top, the door already opens. „MOMMY" my heart skips a beat
„Hi baby" I open my arms and Henry runs into my arms. „Did you do something nice with grandma?"
„Come and look" he takes my hand and practically drags me up the stairs and into the house.
Dorothy is at the door, waiting for us. We walk through the door and I see a huge banner hanging in the floor. „Oh wow, look at that! Did you do that?" my voice reaches a high pitch I can't remember it has reached before.
„Of course not" he gives me a surprised look. „Look how neat it looks. I couldn't do that. But I did that" he points at the bottom on the banner.
„'and mommy'" I laugh „You're the sweetest little boy, thank you" leaning down I give him another hug and a kiss on his forehead. I turn my attention to Dorothy „Thank you. It's good to be home and I'm glad you are here too"
„You're most welcome sweetheart" we hug. „Hen? Do you want to help me in the kitchen?" she turns to Henry.
„Oh you mean for... the cake?" he whispers the last words. He walks towards the kitchen and Dorothy follows. Before she disappears she turns around once again, mouthing „Just act surprised" and I nod in response.
„Sooo... How do you think we should celebrate you being home?" Don almost whispers.
I laugh.
„Don, no." he pulls me towards me, giving me a long kiss. I smile in the kiss. „Okay, maybe." I say when he stops the kiss.
„Maybe?" he pulls me in again and gives me an even longer and more passionate kiss. A little moan escapes me.
„I take that as a yes" he says after the kiss.

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