The Last night

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Hey! :)

This is my first story so please be nice. Also english is not my first language and I apologize for mistakes! I hope you can enjoy anyway xx
My husband yawned. I looked at the watch and saw it is already 11pm! „Oh dear" I said and put my knitting away. „Let's go to bed darling. It's really late". My husband looked at me and gave me a warm smile. „Alright honey" He stood up to reach the remote and switched the tv off. „What were you watching" I asked while rolling up the ball of wool. „What do you mean?" he looked at me and I saw his confusion in his eyes. „You didn't watch this whole time?" I let out a little soft laugh. „No my love. You know I get lost in my thoughts when I knit" „It's amazing how you can completely forget what is going on around you" he replied. „You know me. I AM amazing" I said provocative and he laughed and kissed me softly. I let out a little moan. „I missed you" I said „I missed you too honey" he said and gave me another kiss on my forehead. „Let's get you two upstairs" he grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the chair. „I do hope it won't take much longer. I can barely walk and my back hurts. It's much worse than with Henry" „Oh love. Let me give you a little massage okay?" he said and looked at me compassionately. „I'd love that". Going upstairs was one of the hardest things to do. I was only 5 months pregnant when I needed someone to help me get up the stairs. I went to the doctor because there were days when I had to sleep downstairs. It hurt too much. I wasn't afraid about me, I was scared the baby wasn't okay. But he said the baby is fine and he gave me pain killers. They worked for a while but they didn't help anymore when I started the last trimester. The pain was too intense. My second pregnancy was difficult and hard but I'm a lucky woman with a loving husband. He slept with me downstairs when I couldn't get up and always offered his arm to brace me. We finally reached the top. I had to take a break and catch my breath again. Don, my husband, waited patiently and walked with me to the master bedroom when I was okay again. He guided me to our bed and I let myself down on the bed. Don made sure I was okay and left the room. A few minutes later he came back with my pjs. „Don't you think we should move into something bigger? This apartment gets too small for us" Don asked while he helped me getting out of my clothes. I couldn't undress my trousers on my own just because I couldn't reach them so I started wearing dresses when he was away for a few days for an exhibition opening. I don't like dresses but it is much easier for me and he wasn't away that much anyway. „Maybe lets wait. Not right now. We have Henry who loves the nursery he goes to and soon we will have a little baby girl" He pulled my dress up and looked at me. I'm now wearing nothing but a bra and panties. „I can't wait. She will be the most beautiful baby. How can she not when her mother looks like this?" he kissed me on my lips and then my belly. I looked down at him and realized once again how lucky I am. I have an amazing, healthy little boy, a husband who loves me dearly and so do I and I will get a girl I always wanted. Our eyes met when he looked up at me. „Let's get you dressed" he said calmly. I put the tshirt on and he helped me with the trousers. He helped me up again so I could go to the bathroom. I shambled to the bathroom when I felt a little sting. I stopped and let out a groan. It wasn't loud and I just hope Don didn't hear it. I don't wanna worry him. My due date is still 2 weeks away. I took a deep breath, finish my evening routine and go back into bed. Don was already lying there and reading a magazine about sculptures. I didn't know how tired I am until I lay down. „Goodnight darling" I roll over and give him a kiss. „Don't you want a massage now?" he said. „I'm okay darling. I'm tired and just wanna sleep" I replied while getting comfortable. „Okay. Goodnight honey" he kisses me back, switches the light off and cuddles me from behind. I take his hand and place it on my belly. „I love you" he whispers and that's the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. Just like every evening.

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