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The next day I feel better than I have in a long time. Today I can finally go home. Even though it got really comfortable here and I started to like it but nothing is better than being home again, sleep in your own bed and see your loved ones first thing in the morning. Mamie starts whining just when I come out of the shower. After I fed her I start packing the remaining things Don didn't take home yesterday. Dr. James comes in not long after that. Once again he talked me through what I need to pay attention to the next few days before I come back for a routine check. „I will see you next week Mrs. Gummer" he shakes my hand.
„See you next week Doc." one last time I see him walking through the door.
I grab the phone and dial our landline. Eventually Don picks up. „Good morning darling"
„Good morning to you too honey"
„Dr. James was here just a minute ago and he said I can go home now. I'm just checking one last time if I've got everything and then I'm ready to come home"
„Wow you are really desperate to come home huh?" Don says laughing
„You have no idea."
„I will be there in an hour. Just need to finish something. I see you later, i love you"
„See you, drive carefully darling" he hangs up.
Don's POV
„Mom, how is the entry hall looking?" I scream from the kitchen.
„Great, Donny. But I need your help"
„I'm coming. That was Mary, I said I will pick her up in an hour" I grab my car keys from the bowl and join my mom. „Wow, that's looking great Mom." I step a back to see the full banner. 'Welcome home, Mamie' it says. At the right bottom it says in a shaky handwriting 'and Mommy'. Henry thought it's not fair to only welcome Mamie home so he added it himself.
„Grab the other end and put it a little higher" I do as my mom says and step up on the ladder.
„That's it. Come down and see for yourself" Stepping back once again I take another look at it and agree with my mom. Yes, that's it.
„I need to leave now so I'll be there on time. Can you get Henry ready?"
„Of course, I see you later. And drive carefully!" she gives me a kiss on my cheek and I do the same in return.
„Yes mom" I say rolling my eyes.
On my way out I grab the baby car seat and already install it on the back seat. I check my watch. I still have enough time to get her something from the shop. But what? I decide to  just leave and hopefully find something when I walk through the shop. There's nothing I like to give it to her but then settle on the idea to get her fresh flowers. Her room in the hospital is full of flower but we can't take them home anyway. Besides when we got married I promised her to get her fresh flowers for the table every day but I broke my promise after only three days. She teases me a lot with it and I smile at the thought of it. I can't wait to have her back home, wake up next to her every morning, fall asleep next to her, just be around her. I after I paid I go back to my car and continue my journey to the hospital. The traffic is light and I arrive earlier than I thought. With the flowers in my hand I make my way up to her room. Passing the reception I greet Amy and another nurse I've seen maybe twice but I don't know her name. „You leaving?" Amy asks
„Yes, we're going home" I smile when saying it and I feel a lot of joy running through my body

Gummer Family LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant