Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"What is it" he growled pulling away from my neck to give the introducer a murderous look.

"Luna Taylor's old pack is here they want to search our land for her and her family"

"Get all the worriers ready to attack now" Hunter yelled jumping out of bed. He turned to me kissed my head
"Stay here I'm killing them today," he yelled running out the door. I just sat there shocked. I got up lock the door and hitting the closet just in case I sending text my mom to read her to get to grandpas with the babies. I prayed as I waited that Hunter would be okay that he would come back to be alive and I didn't have to live the rest of my short life without him. It seemed like hours before the attack was finally over. I ran downstairs to see if he was still alive when I was little relief washed over me and ran to him throwing my arms around his neck towards me. it was over I don't longer have to worry I can live the rest my life with Hunter.

To this day we are still together we have two beautiful daughters and three sons our oldest daughter Michaela would be our Alpha heir.


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