chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I shifted back to my human form

“Go way I don’t need or want you here hunter” I growled

“Why did you run from me” he asked taking a step closer to me I snarled at him in warning my vampire side was too close to the surface and I may attack him

“Just go back to your girlfriend” I growled baring my fangs at him

“I don’t have a girlfriend do you mean Liz she is just a pack member she was telling me about a party this coming weekend” he said trying to reinsure me but I didn’t believe him the way he has smirking at her he was still walking towards me

“Whatever I don’t really care about the bimbo” I snarled again he took another step to me and that was it I lunged at him knocking him to the ground I straddled him growling from the look on his face I can tell my eyes turned red

“your dad told me about this I'm okay with you feeding off me he said you have never feed I want you to feed off me I'm your mate it’s okay” he said tilting his head to the side so his neck was exposed to me it was rare and alpha would do something like that ever for his mate it was a sigh of submissive

“There’s no going back once I bite you, you can’t stop me half way throw I give myself to my vampire side” I told him to make sure he understood

“I know and I'm okay with it” he said smiling at me he wrapped one arm around my waist and the other he placed on the back of my neck pushing me to his neck I licked his neck slowly placing kisses all over to the middle of his throat his cheek his lips I didn’t want him to feel too much pain

Once I was satisfied he wouldn’t feel it too much I bite down fangs sinking into his skin flooding my mouth with his warm metallic blood I loved the taste of his blood so sweet it calling to me in so many ways hearing him moan in pleasure made my heart skip a beat he was finding pleasure in this I thought he would be in pain I licked the place my fangs had pierced healing it letting my fangs go back in I looked down at hunter his eyes held love lust and pride it was very weird

“Are you full” hunter asked smiling at me

“Why did you let me” I asked

“You’re my mate I would do anything for you this wasn’t anything it will heal” I told me chuckling like I was stupid

I got off hunter and started walking to my house I could feel him following me he didn’t say anything and I was grateful for that I just needed to think

I didn’t want to get close with anyone in case my pack came they want kill me and I didn’t want hunter and his pack to be involved

When we reached my house I turned to hunter

“I'm sorry for biting you” I told him looking down

“I let you there is nothing to be sorry about Tay I chose to let you” he said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close hugging me

I pulled back so I could look at him I kissed his lips quickly and started to walk in side

“Thanks hunter” I said before stuffing the door

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