chapter 15

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I walked thourds him with my new body gaurds stiffening

Severide grabbed my arm as Kayden moved in front of me they got in a definsive stance hunter notice and his eyes turned pitch black

"Severide Kayden calm down thats hunter my mate" i said jerking my arm from Severides grip and walking over to hunter

"what are you doing here" i asked

"what am i doing is that all you have to say you lied to me your mom didnt need help she didnt know were you were and you come back with two leaches" he yelled growling at me

"leave" i growled out angry

"no you tell me where you went and who they are"

"IHATE YOU" i snapped i grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and throw him across the yard i stormed into the house with Severide and Kayden following close behind laughing and saying rude comments to hunter and his friends but i was to angry to care i went to my room and slammed the door not even letting Kayden and Severide in

Taylors mom pov

i stormed outside angry Kayden and Severide came and told me what hunter said that boy lost all respect from me how dare he call them leaches in front of taylor i am a vamp her brothers and her coven and so is she.

i walked right up to him and slapped him across the face his head jerking to the side a bright red hand print visible on his face

"how dare you we are not leaches now you get off our property you filthy mutt" i growled

"mistrist remember this mutt is still princess taylors mate she may be angry at him now but she will be very angry at you if you kill him" Kayden said grabbing my shoulder

i nodded my head and walked away going back into the house i sent one last glare at hunter

riders pov

i cant believe my brother he is so stupid ill have to tell mom about this she will have a field day with this does he not remember that she is a vampire as well and i guess a princess to top it off

hunters pov

i cant believe i said that i didnt mean to it just slipped out she was so mad the look of pure anger and hate was etched into my head she throw me acrossthe yard she was so angry that she didnt care that she was hurting her mate

lookin up to taylors window i started feeling worse her lights were still on and i could hear her heart beathin but i could also hear the heart beats of the two guys she came back with and i still had know idea who they were and it made me mad

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