Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Taylor calm down he said one stupid thing he is still getting news to the idea of you being a vampire" severide I said slumping down onto my bed

"He called you guys leaches I need vampire my family is vampires and he is disrespecting me by saying that" I yelled

"He's stupid" Jayden said I smiled glad someone was taking my side seeing as severide was taking Hunter side

"But he's your mate and didn't mean you, how would you feel if he lied to you and came back with two women you would be pissed and you know it" Jayden added and I was wrong no one was on my side but he did have a point I would be pissed at Hunter if he did that

"You need to go and say sorry and explain what's going on" severide said god dammit he had a point

"Fine let's go"I said heading out of the house and running to Hunter's house

I didn't bother knocking I just walked in I heard. Some guys in the living room so I headed there to drop off Kayden and severide

"You guys listen up this is Kayden and Severide be nice I'm going to talk to Hunter" I told the group they nodded quickly.

I walked into hunters room he wasn't in there but I could hear his shower I walked over to his bed and took a seat waiting for him to get through even though I'm still angry at Hunter I could understand where he was coming from


"What the" I looked around for the noise but saw nothing I let my hearing zone then on I could hear the water and a slapping along with the moaning my eyes widened instantly he was jerking off in the shower oh my God I am not going to sit here while he does that I got up and Barged into the bathroom

"Hunter knocked that off I need to talk to you" I tried hard not to look down at his member but it was difficult seeing as he was my mate I had no other choice but to let my eyes wondered where They would like

"What are you doing here" he asked shocked and embraced that I caught him jerking off, but I'm not I'm enjoying my view and not embarrassed of him knowing I am checking him out

"I'm here to talk to you about earlier" he looked a little shocked but not it to me

"I'll get dressed and be out in a minute"he said grabbing a towel from the rack I nodded and went back to his room I took a seat on his bed and just looked around

"I'm sorry for what I said I know it is offensive to you and your family it's no excuse but I was pissed that you lied to me and took off I had no idea where you were and then you come back with two males" he said hurt lacing his voice

"I got a call from my mother's dad my old pack had come from me I met up with him to make sure he was saying he has several ride and Kayden say with me for protection I'm the princess from their coven I was always supposed to have guards but my mother wanted me to have a normal childhood so she would not allow my grandfather to assign guards to me

"What if it was a trap did you think about that I would go crazy without you do you understand that, well do you Tayler you on my mate your my life if you die I die" he yelled gripping his hair in his hands

"I'm not stupid I thought about that my papa never put me in danger anyway"

"I never said you were stupid nor do I think you are you are one of the smartest people I know"

"Then you should have some trust in me I would never purposely hurt you just because I came back with two males does not mean something happened between us"

"I understand that but think of it from my point of you you did lie to me and then you come back with two men you know if that was reversed you would have assumed something had happened as well"

I crawled over to him pulling his hands from his head pulling him into a hug i wrapped my arms around his neck holding him close to my chest breathing and sweet scent from his hair

"You're right I would have been angry with you but you still disrespected me by saying such things I am your mate you are supposed to love me and respect me not say such things how would you like it if I started calling you mutt or mongrel you would be hurt"

"I'm sorry it just slipped I forget your a vampire"

"I love you"

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