chapter 7

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Chapter 7

             Taylor’s P.O.V  

Mom came and got the twins at lunch. Hunter invited me to sit with him and his friends at lunch but I told him I couldn’t bale on my two friends so you know what he did. He and all of his friends moved to sit with us my friends were practically screaming with joy when they moved to our table it was lots of fun most of the guys and a couple of their mates told me funny stories about hunter by the end of lunch hunter was bright red

I was now in art class hunter Jason max rider Julie and rose were in here with me they were friends of hunters  I meet today rider and Julie were mates and rose is mates with jay.  Jay is a really funny prankster from the pack we hit it off instantly me and him had a lot in common when it came to pranks  hunter didn’t like that much but sericule he is mated I wouldn’t try to steal a mated  man from his mate I’m not like one of the packs sluts or bimbos

“all right class in this hat our pieces of paper with all the girls names on them all the guys will pick on that will be your partner for the project I want you to sketch your partner but I want you to place them in a place that is important to you it could be a camping place grandparents house your room I don’t care as long as it means something to you  I want it to be personal” Mr. slutmoe said and passed the hat to the guys I ignored him and started  to sketch my little brothers in there wolf form normal weres don’t change until they are 14 or 15 but since we are half breeds we come out in our wolf form Seth is a white and gray wolf and Derek is a white and brown mix

I was half way done with seths wolf when the chair in front of me was pulled out I looked up and saw jay I smiled at him

“well you will be easy to draw” I told him

“really” he asked shocked

“yah I just have to draw a clown face” I said laughing he frowned at that

“yourr mean” he said crossing his arms in front of his chest  pouting at me

“hey jay switch me I got rose”  I shived at the voice instantly knowing that iwt was hunter

I looked up to see hunter standing next to me smirking

Jay quickly traded cards and ran to his mate hunter took a seat he was smiling that cocky smile of his I shook my head just my luck  I have to skatch him and his oh so very hot body

“looks like I get to be you partner” he said winking at me

“yah lets just get to work  shall we” I said looking back at my skatch pad to a new blank page and I started to skatch him

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