Chapter 22 This Ship is in the Shore

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Chapter 22

This Ship is in the Shore

            Daryl was gone for about three and a half hours. Yvonne spent that time cleaning the cabin. There wasn’t much to do, but she kept herself busy and her mind occupied. When there wasn’t anything left to do, she grabbed a beer and her smokes and sat on the front porch waiting for her man to return. What happened between them this weekend seemed like a dream. She certainly did not expect it and she didn’t regret it. He told her that she had given him confidence and self-worth and he had given her the same. She believed him when he said he loved her and she felt confident enough to say it back. All the fear she had was gone. Her heart and mind were together on this one. There was no longer conflict between what she wanted and what she thought was the truth. When she saw him walking toward the cabin, she rose to great him. He had a string of something around his waist, but she couldn’t tell what it was. He leaned his crossbow against the porch steps and took her in his arms. “Missed you,” he said into her hair. “Missed you too. What did you kill for me?”

            “Got a half dozen squirrels. I almost had a twelve point, but I tripped over a tree root and spooked him off,” he said embarrassed.

            “That’s okay caveman. Hunter gatherer still bring food for woman,” she said.

            “This hunter will always provide for his woman.” He kissed her lips softly. “Come on, I’m gonna show you how it’s done Dixon style.”

            “Ooh, you have your own style. Very impressive. Woman intrigued.” She laughed and turned to walk back inside. Daryl laughed with her and slapped her ass and said, “Woman go fix man food.”

            She was very proud of herself. She didn’t get as grossed out as she thought she would and even helped out with the last three. Daryl had brought some spices with him and seasoned the meat. While the squirrel was marinating, they sat on the couch in each other’s arms. Daryl told her the story of the lost buck and she told him what she had been doing around the cabin. He noticed she kept touching her pendant. He loved the way it looked against her pale skin. He reached out and traced it with the pad of his finger. He stared at it mesmerized.  He still couldn’t believe what had happened between them this weekend. It felt like a dream. What he hadn’t told her was that he tripped over the tree root because he had been replaying last night in his head. He had been concentrating on it so hard in fact, that he almost whipped it out and jerked it right there in the woods. That is until he remembered that he didn’t have to do that anymore. What he was thinking about wasn’t a fantasy, it had really happened. It was real and she was willing and waiting for him back at the cabin. Fortunately, he was able to get his head back in the game long enough to bag those squirrels and get back to the cabin without sporting a hard-on the size of Texas.

            He finally looked up at her and locked onto those beautiful chocolate eyes that had taken his breath away the night they met. She put her hand on the back of his head and pulled him into a soft kiss. When they parted, he cupped her face in his hands. “Your never gonna doubt yourself again. I’m gonna make sure of it, I promise you. There won’t be a day goes by that you’re not gonna know how wonderful and beautiful you are.”

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