Chapter 30 Self Help

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Chapter 30

Self Help

One and a half weeks later

Yvonne sat quietly in the waiting room. She was nervous, on the verge of a panic attack. She anxiously rubbed her palms up and down her thighs, alternating with some slight rocking and covering her face with her hands. Daryl felt nervous for her. This was a big step she was taking, seeing a therapist. She should have been seeing one years ago, she would admit that, but it just seemed easier and less emotionally taxing to bottle it up and push it down. She didn't have a choice anymore. She had to think of Michael and Daryl, and whether she liked it or not, herself. He held her hand and gave it a light squeeze, "You're gonna be fine sweetheart. Everything is gonna be just fine. I'll go back with you if you want, if it'll make you feel better."

She squeezed his hand back and said, "Thank you, but it's gonna be hard enough for you to do this yourself, on your own. You don't need to add my sessions to your list of things to deal with. I appreciate it, I really do. I love you for just coming with me today. I don't know if I could have sat in this room all alone. Just having you here, sitting next to me, makes it almost bearable." When the receptionist called her name, she stood, but before she could walk away, he stood with her.

"If at any point you need me in there with you, I'll be there in a hot second, just have somebody come get me."

"I will," she said, and followed the girl to the last office on the right. "Dr. Harrison will be with you soon. Just make yourself comfortable." She nodded her head in thanks to the young woman, and took the seat in front of the large oak desk. She nibbled on her thumb and lower lip, a habit she picked up from Daryl. Dr. Andrea Harrison entered the room a few minutes later, introducing herself and shaking Yvonne's hand.

"I've read the police and hospital reports. I am truly sorry for everything you've been through," Andrea said. "This is just and introductory session. I want us to get to know each other, just talk a little. Maybe we find out where to start. Maybe I can come up with a plan for treatment. I think we need to determine why you are here. Find out how I can help you accept what happened and move on."

"Well," Yvonne said, "I wasn't raped, technically, so I'm not really sure why I'm having so much trouble with this."

"What you experienced was terrifying, rape or not. Do you think, if you had been raped, you would have a better understanding of what's going on?" Andrea asked her.

"I don't know. He knocked me unconscious, kidnapped me, threatened to kill me, and would have raped me if Daryl hadn't gotten there when he did."

"Daryl? Is he the gentleman who came with you today?


"What is Daryl to you? What part does he play in your life?" the doctor asked.

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