Chapter 25 When a Plan Comes Together

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Chapter 25

When a plan comes together

            Merle, Carol and Sophia were on their way to the cabin. He had talked to Daryl this morning and agreed that they would gather up their women and kids and wait it out in the woods. Joe and the boys didn’t know about it. Merle didn’t give a shit about much except family. His granddaddy was the only member who ever gave a shit about him, besides Daryl of course. There was no way in hell he was gonna give Joe access to the only thing he had left from the only family that ever loved him. After the girls packed their bags, Carol called Sophia’s school to tell them she wouldn’t be in for a few days because they had to go to a funeral out of town. When they left Carol’s place, they went by the trailer so Merle could grab some stuff. Before they walked out the front door to leave, Merle put his arm around her waist. “Are you ready to do this? You sure you want to?”

            “Yes Merle,” she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I waited years to be your wife. I’m not waiting any longer.”  She stood on her tip toes and kissed him softly. “Let’s go get hitched Mr. Dixon.”


            While Merle hadn’t bothered calling into work, Daryl had gone in for the day. He hoped when this was all over, he’d still have a job to go to. He dropped Michael off at school and waited for Yvonne to talk to his teacher. When they arrived at the diner, he wouldn’t let her out until she promised to be careful and keep her eyes out for Len and his truck. She did and said she would call him the minute anything happened. He gave her a desperate kiss as if he might never see her again. “I love you more than my own life. I’ll die to keep you safe.”

            “Don’t say that. I’m scared enough as it is. I don’t want to think about losing you.” Daryl leaned his forehead to hers, “You ain’t gonna lose me, I ain’t gonna lose you. You gotta trust me, believe me.”

            “I trust you with my life and Michael’s. You have to promise me the same. Be careful, keep an eye out for Shane. Let me know if you hear anything from Rick.” He moved away from her and sighed. “I promise baby. Go to work, try not to worry too much. I’ll call you later and pick you up after work.” Yvonne got out of the truck and went inside the diner. He didn’t leave until he saw she was safely behind the counter with Beth and Amy. As soon as he drove out of the lot, he called Merle to confirm their plans, after that, he called T-Dog and then Rick. Rick had looked at Shane’s work record from Atlanta. Apparently, he had an affair with the Sheriff’s wife and got her pregnant. Since the sheriff’s department didn’t want that information made public, they gave him the option to move as far away as he could get and continue his law enforcement career in a smaller town. Shane had requested Senoia specifically, stating that he had family here.

            “Who’s his family?” Daryl asked.

            “Don’t know for sure. He’s never mentioned having any family, at least not to me. Don’t recall ever seeing him around town with anybody, but I’m gonna find out. I’m gonna see if I can’t pull his personnel file and see who’s listed as his next of kin.”

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