Chapter 26 Holding Out for a Hero

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Chapter 26

Holding Out for a Hero

            As soon as Joe left the room, Merle scooted his chair closer to Daryl. He was able to get close enough to where their knees were touching. He leaned in as far as he could and spoke to him. “Little brother, you gotta wake up. This here situation ain’t good. They got Carol and Sophia. Joe thinks he’s gonna kill me. I don’t know about your woman, but I can guess that Len’s got her. You gotta wake up Daryl. We gotta get the fuck up outta here and save our families.” Daryl must have heard his voice because he stared to moan in pain.

            “Merle, where the fuck are we? What the fuck happened to you?” Daryl asked, his voice harsh and raw.

            “Joe found the cabin brother. He was waiting for us by the creek. Bastard shot me in the shoulder and the leg. When I woke up, I’s here. This is the building he wanted to blow up.”

            “I gotta find Yvonne. Len and Shane are fuckin’ cousins’ man. They’s blood. That’s why he’s been after my ass. He’s helping Len get to her. He was following her yesterday, in Woodbury. Sitting right outside her damn house. Probably knows where she works, knows about Michael. Gotta find her, gotta save her. I love her Merle; can’t live without her.”

            “I know what you’re saying baby brother. I married Carol this morning. She’s my wife now. I got me a wife and a daughter and as soon as this shits over, that little girl’s gonna be an official Dixon. She’s gonna have my last name.”

            “Shit Merle, congratulation. I knew ya loved her, I knew she loved you too. If it weren’t for these disease-ridden, motherless bastards ya’ll woulda never been apart. Probably had your own brood by now.”

            “You’re right baby brother. Now we gotta figure out how to get outta here and get our women. Neither one of us is fit to fight, but if I can get my bayonette back, I can do a little bit of damage.”

            “I can’t hardly breathe Merle, that fucker got me in the chest. Oh shit! Merle . . . .he killed ‘em, they’re dead!”

            “Who killed who Daryl?”

            “Shane, he killed T and Rick. T was in the garage, had blood all over him. Rick pushed me down when he tried to stab me the first time. He got in the way and Shane got him in the chest. Shit Merle, I saw it!”

            “Calm down now. We ain’t gonna be able to do shit if we can’t relax our minds. Boy, we need to clear out heads, be all Zen and shit. Gotta think of a way to get outta here.”

            Daryl suddenly had a flash of memory. “I got it. I know what we can do. Saw this in a movie once. The first one I ever saw with Yvonne. It worked for them Irish boys, maybe it’ll work for us too.”

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