Patience is not my virtue

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Chapter Five

“Patience is not my virtue”

Yvonne’s issues start to peek out, and Daryl is horny. . . and frustrated

            I had hoped that everyone would be asleep when I got inside, but not my luck. Kay, whose house we were staying at, almost jumped me as soon as I walked in.

            “Where the hell have you been” We thought you’d ditched us or got kidnapped or something.”

            “Neither really. But I guess you could say I was rescued.”

            “By who?”

            “His name is Daryl and he’s not like anyone I’ve ever met at a bar. EVER! He was there with his brother and some friends. Assholes apparently.”

            “God I hope it wasn’t the military dick with the fake hand. He creeped the fuck out of me. He had all his “boys” there trying to act all charming, but he was just drunk. Probably jerking it with his fake hand right now.”

            “Good Lord! A fake hand? Why did ya’ll stick around there then?”

            “Apparently to give you time to meet Darren.”


            Then Abagail and Sara come into the kitchen. Great, now I have to go through this again.

            “Whatever,” Kay said. “How did you meet him anyway? I didn’t see you talking to anybody.”

            “It was when I went outside for some air. He asked me for a light and just stuck around. He’s real cute, and sexy too. Long, dark hair and perfect blue eyes. He even opened doors for me. I was overwhelmed.” I said, fanning myself like a Southern belle.

            “Did you get laid at least?” Abagail asked.

            “No,” I said. “I wasn’t looking for that and ya’ll know it. He wasn’t looking for it either. His brother was doing the same thing to him. Trying to get him laid and apparently, he’s not into bar whores.”

            “Did he kiss you? Did anything else happen? Are you gonna see him again? Can you trust him?” Sara rambled on without taking a breath.

            “Yes, he kissed me. No, nothing else happened.  Yes, I’m gonna see him again. He’s supposed to call me sometime this week. And yes, I think I can trust him. He wasn’t looking to get laid. He told me that. He was pissed off at his brother because he won’t rest till Daryl gets some. He seemed shy and nervous and maybe a little insecure. He stammered around a little and he has all these nervous tics. I don’t believe anything will happen, but it’s not like I’m gonna fall in love with this guy. He’s cute and he was very nice to me, but that doesn’t mean anything. He’s not gonna call me. I’m not going to believe that this guy is any different from the others. I’m not stupid enough to believe that he’s special, that he won’t do the things that everyone else has done. As long as I remember that, I think I’ll be fine. If I don’t let myself get fooled into believing his words, I won’t be hurt.”

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