Chapter 19 The Blame Game

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Chapter 19

The Blame Game

            Yvonne wouldn’t speak. She just stared straight ahead, almost catatonic. Daryl was scared; he wanted to comfort her, hold her and make everything better. He wanted her to come back to him from wherever she was right now. He went to the kitchen and got her a bottle of water. “Please baby, drink this.” He crouched down in front of her, putting his hand on her knee for balance. “Look at me.” She turned her face to him and sighed heavily. “Thank you,” she said and took the bottle. He sat on the couch next to her and hesitantly put his arm around her shoulders. She rested her head on his. He didn’t know what to say, he just held her as she cried. He blamed himself for what happened, how could he not. He should’ve taken her home, or never came here at all. She was almost violently raped and it was all his fault. She was in shock, which was the only explanation for her allowing him to touch her. They sat like that for twenty minutes until Rick and Shane came in the door. Daryl immediately stood, “What’s going on Rick? You arresting that motherfucker?”

            “Yeah. He’s going to the hospital first. You did some pretty severe damage Daryl. Broken nose, possible broken jaw.” Rick replied. He put his hand on Daryl’s arm and led him into the kitchen. “How is she?”

            “She ain’t talking. Can’t stop crying. I want her to go to the hospital too, get herself checked out. I don’t think he was able to do it. I think she was able to get away before he could rape her, but I need to know.” Daryl pleaded.

            “We got ambulances on the way. One for each of them. You can ride with her. Len hasn’t admitted to anything yet. Don’t have any witnesses except for her.” Rick said as he pointed to the living room.

            “I’ll talk to her, see if she’ll want to press charges.” Shane said and started walking out of the room. Daryl grabbed his arm, “You ain’t asking her shit. You ain’t going near her. She’s not gonna forget anything before tomorrow, Rick can ask her then. She’s going to the hospital, then she’s going home.” Daryl said through gritted teeth.

            “I’m just doing my job Dixon. Gotta talk to victims as soon as possible before she forgets her story. When she changes it later, we’ll know.” He said with a smile on his lips. Daryl went to swing his fist at him, but Rick stopped him.

            “Shane, we can get her statement at the hospital, if she’s willing to give it then. Daryl, we’re not gonna force her to talk until she’s ready to.” Just then, two ambulances pulled up to the trailer. “We’ll get Len loaded up first. As soon as their gone, we’ll get Yvonne ready to go. Shane, you ride with Len; see if you can get a statement out of him. Daryl, you ride with Yvonne. I’ll follow in the squad car.”

            Daryl held her hand the entire way to the hospital. She had stopped crying, but still wasn’t talking. They were met at the ER door by a nurse with a wheelchair. Daryl wouldn’t let the EMTs near her, he helped her out and into the chair. He almost flew into a rage when the nurse told him he couldn’t go back with her. Rick put his hand on Daryl’s shoulder, “She’s gonna be back there for a while. Let’s go get some coffee, maybe something to eat. I’ll leave them your cell number if they need you.” Daryl nodded and walked away toward the elevator. The doors opened as soon as Rick arrived. When the doors closed, Daryl heaved a giant sigh, “Goddamn Merle,” he said.

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