Chapter 9 In the Rain

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Chapter Nine

“In the Rain”

            It was raining as we left the café and we ran to my truck laughing the whole way. When the truck doors closed, we were wet and breathless. I can’t believe I’ve met a woman I can laugh with. A woman that I have fun with. We quickly decided that a movie at her house was the best plan. It started raining harder as we got closer to her home. We made a mad dash to the front door as soon as I put the truck in park. We looked like drowned rats dripping all over her floor.

            “Wait here,” she said and ran through the house. I shook myself like a dog and soon felt something hit me in the face. She had brought a towel for each of us. “Dry yourself and take your clothes off. I’ll put our stuff in the dryer. I’ve got some clothes you can put on.” Does she really want me naked in her bathroom? “Go, hurry! You’re dripping everywhere. Give me a minute to change and I’ll bring your clothes.” I made my way down the hall and into the bathroom. I stripped off everything, even by boxers, and waited for Yvonne to bring dry clothes. I took a minute to look around. She had candles on the edge of the tub. I peeked through the curtain. She had strawberry scented shampoo. I popped the cap and took a whiff. I’d been perving all day, why stop now? I loved that smell. I wanted to bury my hands in her hair and smell it. A knock on the door startled me and I dropped the bottle.” You okay in there?” she asked. “Yeah, just wasn’t expecting a knock.” She stuck her hand through the door and handed me a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. “Thanks,” I said. “I’ll be right out.”

            Good God, I thought. I’ve got a naked man in my bathroom. I imagined it for a second. Thought about going in there, but what would I do then? I haven’t been with anyone in so long, I think I’ve forgotten what to do. He looked so good in those wet clothes. Hell, they looked good dry. The way those jeans hugged his ass, and other parts. When he came out of the bathroom, he had his wet clothes balled up and handed them to me. As he rubbed a towel over his still dripping hair, he said, “They’re still a little drippy.”

            “That’s fine,” I replied. “I’m just gonna throw everything into the dryer for a while. Just go sit in the living room. Pick out a movie if ya want. I’ll be back in a minute.” When I got back to the living room, Daryl was looking through my DVD’s. “Find anything ya like?”

            “Um, yeah, I think so. I never seen is one, but Merle has. Said it was pretty good, lots of violence.” He showed me the cover, Boondock Saints.

            “Good choice. It’s one of my favorites. Never would have seen it if it weren’t for my. . . “I hesitated. I can’t say it, not yet anyway. “This guy I used to know. Had a hard on for action flicks. Convinced me to watch this one with him. One of the character is like that too. Kinda reminds me of him.”

            “We don’t have to watch it if you don’t wanna,” Daryl said sadly. “I can pick out something else.”

            “No. I love this movie. It’s been a long time and it doesn’t make me think about him anymore.” I took it from him and put it in the DVD player. As we sat back on the couch, I looked at the time. It was only twelve thirty, plenty of time before I would have to leave to pick up Michael. I could tell Daryl was enjoying the movie. He moved closer to me on the couch and put his arm around the back of it, not touching me, but close. Soon, and without comprehension, I was leaning in toward him, our shoulders barely touching. Although I’ve seen it a million times, this scene always startles the shit out of me. The damn cat. It startled Daryl too. When the gun went off, we both jumped. His arm moved from the couch and wrapped around me as I almost jumped directly into his lap. Then he started laughing when he realized what had happened. I was a little embarrassed and tried to move away, but he didn’t release me. We just looked at each other for a minute before his hand cupped my cheek. He leaned in toward me while pulling my face to his. Our lips met just as they had the other night. Only this time our lips moved together. His tongue swept over mine and I opened my mouth slightly. He took advantage and pushed his tongue into my mouth. He took his time with it, but still it was too short. When he pulled away, my eyes were still closed. I didn’t want to open them, afraid of what I’d see.

            I relished the softness of her lips. Never felt anything so soft. I wondered if the rest of her felt like silk too. I kissed her till I couldn’t breathe. When I separated my lips from her’s, she hadn’t opened her eyes yet. She looked like a fucking angel. Beautiful, peaceful and content. When her eyes opened, I panicked. “I’m sorry,” I said quietly, feeling embarrassed.

            “Please don’t apologize. If you are truly sorry that happened, I think it would kill me,” she said, just as quietly. I kissed her again and she kissed me back with passion. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her fully on top of me, straddling me. I was starting to get hard, but was too distracted to be ashamed of it. My lips left her mouth and trailed down across her jawline to beneath her ear and down her neck. She leaned her head to the side giving me better access. I licked and nibbled my way down to her shoulder and she started moaning and rocking her hips against mine. My brain was in a haze and I heard her say my name over and over again. I felt her push me away, but still didn’t register what was going on. I was breathing heavy and could barely hear her talking. Then I heard her say, “Can’t do this.” That snapped me back to reality.


            “We can’t do this Daryl. I can’t do this. It’s too soon. I’m sorry.”

            “If I’m not allowed to apologize, then you can’t either. I don’t feel sorry for what I done. Only if you didn’t want it.”

            “I haven’t been kissed in almost four years. Even longer than that for a good one. I lost control. But I’m not sorry, truly I’m not. I don’t want to embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable. I don’t want to disgust you.”

            “Disgust me? How in the hell would you do that? You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. You’re an angel.” I thought she was gonna cry when I said that. She turned her head away from me and suddenly shot up and off me. Shit! I was still hard. I know she could feel it, but I didn’t want her to see it.

            “I didn’t know it had gotten so late. There’s somewhere I gotta be at three.” I looked at the clock on the wall that said it was two fifty. “It’s okay. As long as it’s not across town, you’ll be fine,” I said as I grabbed her wrist to calm her down. “Where ya gotta go? I can drive ya.”

            Well damn, I thought. This day couldn’t get any more awkward than it already is, until just now. How do I tell him I have a son that I have to pick up from school? “I have to go to the middle school,” I said.

            “Okay,” he said. “I’ll take you, just give me a minute.” He went into the bathroom and came back out in under a minute flat. I don’t know what he did, but he was less aroused when he came back. “Let’s go,” he said and headed out the door. We arrived at the school with three minutes to spare.

            “Thank you for driving me here. You didn’t have to. I appreciate it.”

            “Well, it’s half my fault you was running late,” was all he said.

            “He won’t recognize your truck, so I’m just gonna stand outside the door so he’ll see me. “ I got out and closed the door before he could say a word. My heart was racing again, but for a different reason. This time it wasn’t excitement, this was fear of rejection.

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