Epilogue - 2

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*10 years later*

The studio was quiet today. It felt like an eternity since I had been here, but it felt good to be back. I missed being here. The studio was always a safe place for me then I met her. Everything changed whenever I met her. It's like my world got flipped upside in the best way possible. Once every love song reminded me other, I knew I was in trouble.

Sometimes I still think back to the day I met her. I wish could go back and tell twenty-five year old Harry that the girl too scared to even say 'hello' was going to be the mother of his children. I wish I could tell him that one day everything was going to make sense, she was going to make everything better.

"Why aren't you taking any pictures of the pretty girl?" I asked Kai, trying to get her to smile. Audrey shook her head while her eyes fixated on the ground.

"I'm not pretty enough to be model material." She sounded so defeated. I could immediately tell that my efforts to make her smile weren't going to work because she didn't believe me. Why didn't she believe that she was beautiful?

"I think you're pretty enough," I spoke with a soft voice. My eyes locked with hers, but only for a split second but that's all I needed for the butterflies to explode in my stomach.

Those damn eyes were enough to make me fall head over heels in love with her. They were so sweet and innocent, but I could see oceans of pain hiding deep within. All I wanted to do was get to know her and truly learn my way around her mind.

I heard the studio door open and close softly, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, 8:53 pm. I spun around to see Audrey walking in holding onto Madeline with one hand and Easton with the other. I couldn't help but smile whenever I seen all three of them with the same soft smile glued to their lips.

"Daddy!" They both exclaimed as they let go of Audrey's hand, rushing over to me with open arms.

"Hello, my loves!" I said while I wrapped both of them in my arms. I pressed a kiss to both of their cheeks causing giggles to float through the studio. Seconds later, Audrey sank down onto the stool. She laid her head against my shoulder, "Hello, sweet girl." I whispered before I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I missed you today," She admitted while she let out a sigh of exhaustion.

"We missed you too, daddy," Easton said while he crawled into Audrey's lap. He buried his head into her chest while she moved to rest her head on top of his.

Easton has always been a momma's boy. He favored her in so many ways. Sometimes whenever I look through Audrey's baby pictures, it feels like I'm staring directly at Easton. Whenever Audrey was a baby, she had a head full of brown curls just like Easton does now. He has her love for art and photography. Every single wall in our house was covered in Easton's drawings or paintings. He loves to explain them to you, 'Daddy, I drew our family. This is you, mommy, sissy, me, and the dog I want. Can we please get a dog? I really want a dog." I always just smile and shake my head.

Madeline on the other hand is my child, there's no denying it. She's just like me in every single way that I could ask for. She has a burning passion for making music, and my god does she have great taste in music. She's six years old and can name off any Fleetwood Mac song. She's been trying to learn piano, and she's such a fast learner. She catches on so damn quick, I can barely keep up. Even though she favors me, she's got Audrey's smile. That smile could bring the world to its knees.

My eyes roam around the studio and everything feels better. Madeline is walking around with her hands behind her back while she admires all the instruments hanging on the wall. I can see the sparkle dancing around her eyes. Easton and Audrey are cuddled up beside me, both of them looking like they are about to collapse with exhaustion.

"Daddy," I felt a soft tug on my shirt, "can you play a song before we leave?" Madeline asked softly.

"As long as you'll help me," Madeline nodded with an eager smile tugging at her lips.

I spun around on the stool to face the piano while Madeline climbed up beside me. Audrey stayed facing the other direction scared to wake Easton up, but she rested her head on my shoulder to let me know she was listening.

Madeline and I played the piano softly while I hummed along with the melody. This was the first song Madeline insisted on learning, and I can't resist those puppy dog eyes. She learned that from Audrey, and she uses it to the fullest extent. I ever tell her no, I'm wrapped around her finger.

Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
(Sweet Creature - Harry Styles)

I sang while Madeline slowly joined in behind me. I smiled whenever I heard her small voice fill the studio. I knew that one day she would do big things, and I was going to make sure all of her wildest dreams came true. I plan on doing the same thing for Easton.

These kids were too damn talented and too damn passionate to never fulfill their dreams. I wasn't going to let their fire go out. I can't wait to get a phone call from Madeline saying, "dad, I sold out my first arena" or a call from Easton saying, "dad, one of my paintings is going to put in Louvre Museum in Paris." Knowing that kids made it will be my biggest accomplishment as a parent.

Growing old has always seemed so scary, but now I can't wait to watch them grow up! I can't wait to walk Madeline down the aisle or help Easton tie his tie on his wedding day because he's too nervous. There's so many things that I can't wait to see them do. Of course, I'll miss when they are this age but nothing is going to compare to look over at Audrey whenever we are old and gray to say "they made it, baby."

While we continued to play the song I had written so many years ago, I thought about my family. I thought about how blessed I was to have them. Every single morning I woke up with Easton's freezing cold feet digging into my lower back while I hugged the side of the bed, but I was still the luckiest man on the Earth.

For years, I walked around with a gypsy soul looking for a place to call home. I bought so many houses in different cities desperately hoping one of them would bring me home, but they never did. I thought I would never find my home, but I'm so glad to say that I have.

They are my home. I will always adore Audrey for being my forever home.

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