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6:47 am.

I rolled over to cuddle Audrey and realized the bed was empty. I jumped up in a nervous panic, having no clue where she was. I prayed that she was downstairs unable to sleep, but I could feel there was something wrong.

I have been nervous so many times before, but this wasn't the same. I felt genuinely sick to my stomach.

"Audrey?" I called out as I hurried downstairs, praying she'd fell asleep on the couch. "Baby?" I yelled out again while I walked into the living room.

The house was completely silent. This type of silence wasn't comfortable, this was an eerie silence.

Wasting no time, I ran back upstairs to grab my phone. My hands were shaking so bad that I could barely dial Audrey's number.

"Pick up." I kept repeating to myself over and over again while I paced the bedroom floor. I kept running my fingers through my hair while I prayed she would just answer. I needed to know that she was okay.

Audrey hasn't ran off without telling anybody in a long time. Had she gotten bad again without realizing? Had I become so self consumed that I hadn't noticed she was hurting?

God, I have to find her.

While I quickly pulled clothes onto my body, I continued to call Audrey. I hoped there was still a tiny chance of hope that she would answer the phone before I walked out the door, I was wrong.

I walked to the end of my driveway, right or left? I closed my eyes and tried to think of which way Audrey would go.


My feet smacked against the cold pavement as I ran down the streets. I continued to dial Audrey's number while I simultaneously called out her name. I have never been this scared in my entire life.

"Come on, baby, answer the phone." I sighed while I looked around. There was nothing out here that was going to help me find her.

Slowly, I began to lose hope, then I could hear a phone ringing in the distance.


I didn't slow down, I just kept running towards the ringtone. There was no way it wasn't Audrey. Why wasn't she answering my phone calls? The sound led me into an alleyway.

My entire world came crumbling down whenever I saw her limp body lying there. There was so much blood pooling under her body. My knees gave out the second I reached her body. All I could do was pull her body into my lap and cry.

"Audrey..." I trailed off. My tears were falling onto her face.

I held her cold body in my arms while I dialed the police. I was in such shock that I could barely answer any questions that they were asking. I just kept repeating that she was dying and I couldn't save her.

Minutes after the phone call ended, I could hear the sirens pull up behind me. I just held her body closer to mine, trying to give her some of my warmth. She always loved whenever I held her close on cold days.

"What happened?" The paramedics asked, rushing over to our bodies. "Sir, can you please tell us what happened?"

"I found her like this." I mumbled while I looked down at Audrey. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Is this your girlfriend?" They asked, I nodded. "Sir, listen to me, we are going to do the best we can to take care of her. I need you to step away so my team and I can save her. A member of my team is going to walk you over to the ambulance." All I could do was nod.

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