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I couldn't help but smile when I was around her. She made me so happy, and that was something I couldn't hide. I always wanted to be with her. She made me feel something I haven't felt in such a long time.


I brought her to the beach so she could have a little bit of peace while she edited her pictures. Whenever I watched her editing her pictures, she looked so happy. I could tell she really loved doing it, and she was really good at it. Occasionally she would get frustrated, cursing under breath which made me chuckle.

"I really hate the way these turned out." She groaned as she laid back on the blanket. Letting out a discouraging sigh, she laid her hands over her face.

"I'm sure they look amazing." I reassured her as I laid down beside her. "Thank you for letting me tag along with you today." I said as I looked over at her. She removed her hands from her face to reveal a much happier Audrey.

"I really like spending time with you." She said softly as she looked over at me.

Her eyes were so beautiful. They were this gorgeous hazel color, but I could see specks of green when the sun hit them just right.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked. I hummed. "Why don't you talk about your career around me?"

I sighed as my eyes wandered back to the sky, "I feel normal whenever I'm around you." I watched the clouds pass over our heads for a moment, "I like feeling this way. For years, I've been surrounded by people who didn't truly want to know me. They didn't really care about me. I don't know."

I felt her hand wrap around mine, "I'll always care about you." She reassured me. I smiled as this warm feeling filled my body. "Can I ask you something else?" I hummed again.

"Why did you get so upset the other night whenever we were talking about that girl?"

"Ever since I was 16 years old, I was made out to be this womanizer. I was forced to let interviewers drag me through the mud and the paparazzi would yell terrible things at me, but it was a part of the job. I could never be open. I had to dress this way and act that way. It wasn't me." I sighed as I pulled myself off the blanket, "I just didn't want you to see me the way everyone else did."

Audrey didn't say anything as she wrapped her arms around me. She held me so close to her almost like she was trying to fix my broken pieces.

you're so special, audrey.


I sat alone in my bedroom. I hated being alone after spending time with Audrey. I don't know what it was about her, but she made me feel alive.

I grabbed my journal from my bedside table. I opened it to a blank page and began writing. I let the lyrics flow out of me and the world around me melted away. At this moment, I felt nothing but peace.

I could feel the rhythm of the song as I was writing. I started to sing the words aloud to myself as I tried to perfect the melody, "That sounds good." I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard Mitch. I looked up to see him propped up against the door frame.

"Thanks mate." I said as I looked back down at my journal. "I just started on it, but I'll need your help with the guitar." He nodded as he walked into my room. He grabbed the guitar from the stand in the corner and sat down across from me.

I sang him what lyrics I had so far and he slowly followed along with the guitar, "that's gorgeous guys." Sarah said as she walked into the room. "What's it about?" She asked as she stood close to Mitch.

"Yeah, that's a great question." Mitch said as he looked me up and down. I could feel my cheeks starting to change color.

"It just came to mind while I was sitting here, and I had to start writing." They both narrowed their eyes at me before they exchanged looks. "What?"

"So it's not about this new girl you've been hanging around?" Mitch started to grill me. I knew he wouldn't drop it until I admitted some form of truth, but I couldn't.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I could feel myself starting to get nervous. I was a terrible liar and Mitch knew that. "I'm going to go grab some food." I said as I started to shuffle out of the room.

"You can't lie to me, lover boy!" Mitch yelled as he started to follow me down the stairs. I looked around for my keys, but of course I couldn't find them. "You might as well tell me Harry, I'll figure it out sooner or later."

"There's nothing to tell." I lied again as he kept staring a hole through me, hoping I would crack.

"Bye guys," I said as I hurried out of the house. Once I was outside the house, I let out a sigh of relief as I laid my head against the wall.


I looked out over the city admiring all the tiny lights. I looked to my side and I missed her. I realized I wanted her here with me, I always wanted her with me. what are you doing to me?

I looked through my journal. My eyes scanned over every page each of them covered in lyrics. I had been writing for years, and nothing brought me as much peace as writing did. I flipped back to the song Mitch and I worked on earlier, and I smiled.

I only had a few lines written down. Maybe Mitch and Sarah were right. Maybe I was writing about her. I feel silly admitting that even if it's just to myself, but how could I write a song about someone I barely know? carolina, nevermind.

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