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Audrey slept peacefully while I stared off the balcony. I couldn't sleep, I was too excited. Today was the day that all the magic would fall into place. Over these past few weeks, I had gone over the storyboard with the director Vincent Haycock.

I knew that Lights Up was going to have such a beautiful music video, I had made sure of it. This song means so much to me, and it is so empowering.


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Billboards went up last night.

I smiled while I looked down at my phone. My team has been working on setting up billboards, posters, making merch, and even creating a website around 'Do you know who you are?'

"Styles?" Audrey's sweet voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I stepped back inside to see her looking around. Whenever she looked at me, a look of relief washed over her face.

"Good morning baby." I said as I walked around to her side of the bed, "How'd you sleep?"

"Good until I realized you weren't next to me." I pouted. I placed my hand on her shoulder while my fingers gently traced over her jawline. I kissed her forehead which caused an innocent smile to appear on her lips, "How'd you sleep?"

"I couldn't, I've been too excited." She chuckled softly while she laid her hands over the top of mine, "I can't wait for you to see everything come together."

"I'm sure it will look lovely." She was always so supportive of me. Audrey was usually equally as excited as me, and I loved that about her.


"You look so good." Audrey complimented whenever I walked out of the bathroom. "You've always been able to pull off suspenders though."

She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me. We didn't say anything, we just held each other for a minute. I never realized how much I craved her until she held me. I wanted to be in her arms all the time, and I found it to be unfair that I couldn't be.

"I'm so proud of you." She whispered before she pressed her lips to my exposed chest.

"Five minutes." A loud voice sounded through the trailer causing us both to jump.

Audrey placed her hand on her chest to feel how fast her heart was beating. Audrey was very easily-frightened. I can remember all the times she almost jumped out her skin because I walked around the corner too fast.

Her hand joined with mine while we walked onto the set. I watched as her eyes grew wide with awe. She didn't know where to look first. I noticed that all the cameras kept her attention for the longest amount of time.

Her eyes had this soft sparkle to them while she looked around. I couldn't help but smile whenever I looked at her.


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