Chapter 15: Fast Forward

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Sorry for the late update :/, i've been trying to figure out what to write and how to play out this sequence of events for all my ideas to lay out both properly and realistically.

-7 Months Later-

Ant's POV:

"Can you believe that? Broadway." I started, walking up behind Jas and pressing a kiss to me neck as my arms gravitated around her waist.

"I know, it's insane. We're going to be on broadway!" Jazzy told me, turning around, jumping up and down with a huge smile spread across her face. I began plastering kisses all over her face as she broke out into a fit of giggles. "OKAY! Okay, now go eat breakfast and get dressed so we can head to the theater!"

"But messing with you is so much more FUN!" I said as I continued tickling her catching her off guard, making her fall to the floor in surprise.

"Owww, I'm being attacked!" Jazzy said over laughs, rolling on the floor. I put my hand out to her, helping her up as she gratefully accepted. Pressing a small kiss to her lips, I slipped away and got dressed for the day.

"Are you ready? We can't be late on our opening night on Broadway!" Jasmine yelled to me a half an hour later.

"Yeah one second," I yelled back, rushing over to my bedside table drawer, pulling out the small box hidden behind a box of tissues. Hopefully she likes it. Jas and I have been together for about 7 months now, and I've been planning on asking her to move in with me. I'm gonna do it tonight, when we get back from the after party, along with giving her the little necklace that I got that reads, 'A+J', for our initials.

"Anthony, lets go." Jazzy said, standing in the door frame looking at me. I slightly jumped, surprised, and quickly shoved the small box back into the drawer. Jazzy giggled slightly as she walked over to me and grabbed my hand, leading us to the front door saying, "Come on, we don't wanna be late." We ran out the door hand in hand, myself carrying the rehearsal bag that I picked up on the way out of the house. Once we got outside and began walking to the theater, we started talking.

"Have you ever thought about what it would be like to have kids?" I asked, looking at her as we walked down the sidewalk, hand in hand. She looked at me for a moment, confused.

"Like together? As in, our kids?" Jasmine responded.

"Yeah, you know we've been together for about 7 ½ months, and I've thought about it, so I was just wondering if you have too."

Her confused look soon spread into a wide smile as she let out a small giggle. "Yeah... yeah I have, actually." She responded.

"What'd you think they'd look like?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"They would be only the cutest." Jas giggled, "with the curliest hair, and their father's freckles." She booped my nose, causing her to let out another giggle.

"And they would have their mother's beautiful eyes," I answered her, looking down at the floor, not yet realizing that my face turned a light shade of pink as the words spilled out my mouth.

"Aw, thanks bubs." Jazzy said to me, playfully pushing me and smiling as we both slightly laughed.

After walking a few more blocks in light conversation, we eventually arrived at the theater. Jasmine walked inside, me following beside her and we watched the crowd yell our names lined up along the front entrance. We greeted everybody who had arrived, and put our stuff down before going outside to meet fans. Jas and I walked outside hand in hand, before separating to greet fans. "Are you and Jasmine together?" asked some fans.

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