Chapter 2: Saved

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t/w mentions of abuse & r*pe. (I'll put *** before and after the r*pe part just in case you want to skip.)

"Looking for this?"

My head turned back at the sound of the low voice.


"Hey, sweetie. How've you been?" He asked, mockingly.

"Don't call me that..." I replied with a shaky voice, too terrified to move. Please just go away. Calm down Jazzy. Everything is going to be okay. He wouldn't hit you knowing that there are still other people around.

"Look at me," he stated strongly. "Look at me!" he yelled. I felt myself begin to tear up at his voice. The pain. The hitting. The yelling. The tears shed. I shuddered at the idea and felt a single tear run down my cheek as I looked into his piercing eyes.

"Good. You still listen. Now get up, and let's go."

"No," I said. I've never been able to say that to him before without feeling fear.

"What did you just say?" He said, gritting his teeth and deathly staring into my soul.

"I said no. I'm not going with you."

"To hell you aren't-"

"Hey, Jas do you have a sec- oh... sorry, I didn't mean to- oh my god Jazzy are you okay?" Ant interrupted, looking over to see me crying on the floor in front of him.

"She's fine. We were just leaving." Derek told.

"I'm not leaving with you, Derek," I said, trying my best to assert dominance.

"Baby? What are you talking about? We're going home." He said, trying to act innocent in front of Ant.

"You cheated on me and abused me. We aren't together, and I'm not leaving with you." I said, standing up.

"Don't make me-"

"She said she's not leaving with you," Anthony said, stepping in front of me as Derek stepped forward.

"Get the hell out of my way before I put both of you in a coma. Jazzy would know something about that, wouldn't you Jas?" Derek said, giving Anthony an evil smirk. I looked away as Anthony looked back at me. I feel so ashamed of myself.

"Do I need to call security?" Anthony said, stepping up to Derek. Derek looked him up and down, rolled his eyes, and began walking out, tossing my phone to the floor. As soon as I saw him step outside the theater, I couldn't hold it in anymore. My legs went out, Anthony turned around and caught me before I hit the floor. "Shh, Jas... It's okay. He's gone. You're safe with me." He whispered, calming my down. I nuzzled my face into his chest as he rubbed my back slowly.

"Are you guys okay? We heard yelling."

Ant and I broke apart at the startling sound of Oak's voice.

"Yeah, we're okay," I replied, looking at Ant, and nodding, letting him know that I would explain everything when we were alone.

"Okay, well you guys should get home, Lin's locking up," Oak said, walking back over to his dressing room.

"Thanks... for that," I turned to Ant, looking up at him, staring deep into his eyes.

"Of course, are you okay? That was pretty intense." He asked, gently grabbing my hands, his eyes looking down at me. God, his eyes are beautiful. I nodded.

"Yeah, I-I think so... um- I should actually be heading home now." I said, breaking away from his comforting hold.

"Let me walk you?" He asked. I smiled up at him and nodded. He returned the smile and went up to his dressing room, grabbed his stuff, and walked back down.

As we walked out the doors of the theater, I shivered slightly. I left my jacket in the theater. Damn it. (Just ignore the fact that I forgot to write in that she picked up her phone.)

"Are you cold? You're shivering." Ant asked me, pausing our walk.

"A little, but I'm fine. I don't live that far anyways." I said, knowing what he was going to do next.

"No, here. Take my jacket." He insisted, wrapping it around me.

"Thanks," I said, smiling up at him.

"No problem. Um, so can we talk about what happened in the theater? Who was that guy?" Ant asked me. I looked down, staying silent. "Jas?" he pleaded.

"H-He's my ex-boyfriend." I stuttered, terrified at the idea of him.

"If you're cool with me asking, what happened between you two?" asked Ant, giving me a gentle look. Making sure I knew that I was safe and that I could trust him, even though we just met.

"We started dating a couple of years ago, and it was your pretty average relationship. But then, he just became... distant. Just not himself. Then one day, I came home early from work because he said that he was on a work trip out of state." I began to tear up as Anthony looked at me in pity.

"I walked in on h-him cheating on me with another girl. We argued back and forth for hours until he finally lost his cool. H-he slapped me a-and pinned me against the wall and threatened me. He said that i-if I didn't do what he said, that he would kill me and m-my family." He pulled me into a hug as I nuzzled my head into his chest. "I-I was terrified, so I stayed... I let him hit me, ***a-and t-touch me... and other... other things...***" I started crying as I said some of those last words.

"Oh my god, Jas. I'm so sorry. That's horrible." Ant said after a moment of silence.

"I-I was just s-so disgusted with myself... The things h-he would call me, I would actually start to believe." I told him as I nuzzled closer to him. We stayed like that for about another 5 minutes, as I soaked Anthony's shirt with my tears.

Once we got to my apartment building, Anthony walked me up to my apartment. "Here's my number. Call me if you need anything, okay? Or if you just wanna talk. Anything, just text or call me." Ant said to me.

"Okay," I said, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you."

He pulled me closer to him, breaking apart moments later. He backed up a bit, and stared at me. I stared back. Our eyes stared into one another's, as our eyes glanced down to the other's lips. As my lips pressed against his, I blocked out the rest of the world. It was just him and me. Nothing else mattered.

That's how I felt that it was supposed to be forever and always.

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okay, so I know that I said that I couldn't tell if my writing was good or bad, but I was LYING! BECAUSE THIS ACTUALLY WAS A REALLY BAD CHAPTER! So yeah- it ended really bad, the beginning was going well, and it just ended TERRIBLE. Anyways, out your ideas in the comments so i can get more ideas because I have a LOT and idk which one to go with. Anyways... i just watch anthony do an interview in quarantine and it was THE FUNNIEST THING THAT I'VE EVER WATCHED. anyways, bye.


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