Getting settled in.

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*Izuku's Pov*

I walk through the door and Enji puts my bags down at the door. "Hello?" Enji calls out. "Were in the kitchen dad!" Fuyumi replies. We walk into the kitchen and there is three cups of tea on the table. The three of us take our seats. At the top of the table is Natsuo, on the left side is Enji, Rei and on the right side was me, Fuyumi and Shoto. It is quiet for a moment but then Rei speaks up. "So how has school been?" She says smiling. "And work." She adds looking at Enji and Fuyumi.  Fuyumi speaks first." Work has been alright, the kids dont like the idea of having a new teacher next year." She laughed, we all laughed. "School has been alright. Im still top of my year." Enji smiled. "Im proud of you Natsuo." Natsuo blushed. "School has been great, me and Izuku made friends with the school  loner and out teachers son so...... yeah." I look at him shocked. "Shinsou is Aizawa's kid?"  He looks back at me. "You didnt know that?"  I look at him dead in the eyes. "Nope." The table laughs once more while Fuyumi snickers and pats me back.

*Enji's Pov*

Im glad to see everyone laughing. "What about you Enji? How was work." Rei asks poking my shoulder"Same old, same old." I say, taking a sip of my tea. "What do you mean Enji?" Rei asks. "He means his sidekicks wont shut up about the coffee machine and the rooms in the agency. Aparently the water is on the fritz and it needs to fixed." Shoto answers for me. " Yep im trying to get it fixed but because of the whole covid thing, I cant get anyone out to take a look at it." I say taking another sip of my tea. "Sounds rough." Fuyumi says sipping her tea.  "Anyway, any updates about Touya?" Natsuo asks. "Not yet Natsuo, as soon as I hear anything I will let you know. I promise." I tell my son.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Shoto's Pov*

Everyone is now in bed. Fuyumi went to bed at nine O'clock, Natsu at nine thirty, me and Izuku at ten and mum and dad at eleven. Its One now. Izuku is asleep in my arms but I cant seem to sleep. I slowly unwrap Izuku's arm from around me and I sneak out of my room. I walk to the back door and go to unlock it, its already open. I go outside and walk to the pond area. I see my father sat in front of the pond. "Dad? Its two in the morning, why are you awake?" He turns around. I walk over and sit next to him. " I could ask you the same question Shoto." I yawn. "Cant sleep. What about you?" I say turning to him. " Im just thinking." He says picking up a stone and skimming it across the pond water. We sit there in silence for what seems like an eternity my dad speaks up. "What were you thinking about Shoto?" My father asks. "Everything, the past,present and future." I say "What about you dad?" I ask copying my father and skimming a rock over the pond. "The same really." I nod.

We have been sat here talking for about half an hour now, it seems longer though.  "You should get to bed Shoto, I should as well." He says, we both stand up and walk to the door. We walk into the house and lock the door behind us. "Goodnight dad." I say walking to my bedroom door. "Goodnight Shoto" My dad said walking towards and shutting his door. I climb into my bed and Izuku immediately clings onto me. "Were did you go?" He mumbled. I pull him closer and run my hand through his hair. "I just went for a walk around the garden." He nods into my chest and quickly falls back asleep.

*Enji's Pov*

I climb back into bed, thinking about mine and Shoto's conversation. "What time is it Enji?" I stop in my tracks. Crap. Did I wake her up when getting out of bed? "Its two thirty, why are you still awake Rei?" I ask lying down and putting my hand on hers which was resting on the pillow. "I heard the door open a little bit ago, why are you still up?" I close my eyes and say " I couldn't sleep so I went outside and about ten minutes later Shoto came out for the same reason." She moves my arm so she can put her head next to my chest. "Like father, like son." She says. I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. "Maybe" I chuckle, I feel her body relax on my arm, she has fallen asleep. I kiss her forehead and not long after. I fall asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Izuku's Pov*

Summer is nearly over and the dorms have been re-built. About two weeks into the summer, we heard that Touya pleaded guilty to the murder of 4 people and arson on 7 occasions. The family didnt take that well. I offered to ask if I could stay with Kacchan for a while, they said that I didnt need to. From what Ive heard from Aizawa, he has a new teaching assistant. We dont know his name, Shoto was surprised.

"ugh!" Fuyumi exclaimed "Whats wrong Yumi?" Enji asked leaning over her computer. "These new seating plans. All the students are not allowed within a meter of each other inside the school building and I need a seating plan that can comply with the restrictions. I dont even have enough tables." Fuyumi replies." There is going to be two students with no tables " Fuyumi carrys on. "Dont we still have those floor tables that we used when we first moved in?" Rei asked. Enji stands up straight. " In storage yeah. We will just need to clean them. They have been there for over twenty years." He chuckled. "And then all I need to do is find mats for them to sit on." Fuyumi said. "Can I borrow them?" Rei walks over to Fuyumi and puts her hand on shoulder. "I wouldn't suggest it if you couldn't." Fuyumi nods and gets back to work.

"Hey look at this Izuku, I think its the new teacher." I walk over. "Oh his name is Shirakumo, cool." Enji's face looks slightly confused at the mention of his name.


Hello, I hope your all doing well. Let me know if I should do an extra chapter to when they got Oboro back. Bye stay safe UwU

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