Im sorry

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*Rei's Pov*

I wake up and look next to me. Enji isnt there. The memories come back. "For fucks sake Rei, why did you say that?" I quikly walk out of our bedroom and go into the kitchen. There is a note.


I went to the police station to see what was going on with Touya. If your reading this then im not back. Before you message me or call me, dont apologise for what you said. Someone needed to say it and I would have rather had it be you than anyone else.

Love you Rei, Sorry. Enji

But I need to apologise. It hit you hard. "Okay im going to go to the hospital to check on shoto and then I go to the police station and speak to Touya. I get changed and leave a note for Enji, just in case. I grab my keys and head out. Wait.. why is the car here? Nevermind, he probably wanted a walk.

I arive at the hospital and check in. I then walk to Shoto's room, he is sat on his bed talking to Natsuo." How are you Shoto?" I asked. "Im good mum." He replied. " Im going back to the dorms with Izuku later." I nod." Wait wasnt the dorms on fire?" I question looking at Shoto. "Yeah, were staying in the 1B, 1C,2A and 3A dorms. And one or two of us are staying in the teachers dorms." A voice says from behind me. The green haired boy walks in front of me and bows. "Good morning Mrs Todoroki." He looks up at me and then walks over to Natsuo and Shoto with three bottles of water. One for him, one for Natsuo and one for Shoto. " You can just call me Rei, Midoriya. Your dating my son arnt you?" I say while smiling at the boy. " I am, and call me Izuku." He says, smiling back at me. I nod in agreement.

I say my goodbyes after staying to talk with them for a while. I sign out and then make my way to the police station. I walk in and Eraserhead automaticaly spots me. He asks if ive come to talk with Touya, I reply with a nod. He takes me to an interigation room. " Why is he here?" I ask and he looks and me and says." Endeavor has been speeking with him for about seven hours now. Crazy right?" He looks back at the door i knock on the door and go in.

I walk in to find enji's head resting on the table. Touya looks at me and runs to me. "Oh my god mum your okay. Your safe. Holy crap." He says crying into my shoulder. Enji stands up and looks at me and gives me the 'dont do it' look. I mouth the word sorry and he moths back ' god damn it Rei, I said dont'.


Hello, I know its short, but I promise the next chapter will be longer. Trust me, spoiler tho. There is gonna be theories and arguments and alot of gay UwU

Enji Todoroki's redemptionWhere stories live. Discover now