I cant do this

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*Shoto's Pov*

He seemed so shocked, like he had never heard it before."Has anyone ever said that to you?" I asked my father hoping, no praying for a positive answer.Maybe Midoriya was right, maybe I am ready to forgive him huh? Never thought i would hear my self say that. "No. no one has ever said that to me.." Dad said, not what i wanted to hear but..."Mum would say the same thing you know." Dad froze in his place, luckily his office had no windows cause people like Bakugou,Midoriya and Burnin should not have to see this. To be honest i was scared for a second. He was sat at his chair behind his desk staring at me, then he put his head in his arms that were crossed on his desk. And me,being the idiot I am bluntly said "Im gonna go help Midoriya and Bakugou with those people." And then I left, damn im such a fucking idiot.

*Izuku's Pov* 

Where is he, he has been gone for about ten minutes now? "Hey, sorry i just had to talk to my father a for a while." Shoto said while pulling a chair out two computers away on my left. Damn corona virus. We haven't gone on lockdown yet but i have a feeling we will be soon. I just want a hug sometimes and the only person that has ever (except my mum) hugged me, now cant be close to me cause he might catch a deadly disease. Like what.

*Fuyumi's Pov*

"You sure your ok with this mum?" I ask, deep down i know she is still scared of him. After years of abuse and torture but she still loves him. "Yes of course I am. Its about time I face him." Mum said with a smile. Well i guess i should message Sho and ask him if he has managed to ask dad his breakdown. Natsuo seems quite unsure about this plan but it was mum's idea . I pull out my phone and send a message to Shoto asking him if he had spoke to dad. He said he has but walked out of his office before he could get an answer but its understandable, he has never been good with emotions. I kind of feel bad now for putting it on him. Oh no,  what if dad shouts at me for telling him. Oh no im gonna get killed tonight.

~Four Hours Later~

"Dad-um im home!" I said nervously, scared that I might get hurt. "Dad? Are you here?" I got no reply so I went to look around the house. Not in the living room, not in the kitchen and not in his bedroom. My last idea was the memorial room for Touya.

The door was shut, it was never shut. I knocked on the door and i heard alot of moving around and then the door opened. My dad looked ok but I know that whenever he comes here, its usually to think. But for him, thinking is a bad thing. But it was time to tell my father. "Dad I want to talk to you about something... Well about mum." I saw dads face drop.

*Ⓔ︎Ⓝ︎Ⓙ︎Ⓘ︎'Ⓢ︎ Ⓟ︎Ⓞ︎Ⓥ︎*
What happened, is Rei ok.Thats all that ran through my mind."Is your mother ok?"I said trying to keep my cool, she has already seen me crying. She shouldnt have to see me panicked too."Yeah she is ok. Its just. She wants to see you again...." Fuyumi told me with a nervous smile. "Really?" Is all I could muster. "Yep, but..as Enji. Not Endeavor." Fuyumi said a little more confidently now. "That can be arranged." I jokingly said. For the first time in ages, I saw my little girl smile and ive got to say thats the best feeling ive had since i found out Rei was pregnent for the first time.

Me and Shoto headed to the hospital after interns. We first   dropped Bakugou and Midoriya of at UA and then headed to Natsuo's collage to pick him,and of course the boys argued about the front seat so i decided to make them both sit in the back and Fuyumi can sit in the front when we go and get her from her job. The boys aggreed and honestly, I didnt expect that. After when we got to the school to pick Fuyumi up,i saw she was on the phone. At first i thought that maybe she was talking to Rei but then i realised. THEY DONT ALLOW PHONES THERE.. As we got closer i saw a grin and her cheeks were a bright red colour. And clearly Shoto and Natsuo noticed cause the minute she sat in the car, she got attacked.

"Who the hell is he!" Natsuo questioned. "I second that." I said. "Who?" She said. "THE BOY!" Natsuo yelled. Damn, he has temper, dont he? Fuyumi's face turned bright red. "Fine his name is Keigo." Shoto and Natsuo gave up, they didnt know him..But i did. "OH IMA KILL HIM!!" I dont think Fuyumi knew that I knew his real name.

We pulled up to the hospital. " You ready Dad?" Shoto asked. I took a deep breath. Looked at my children in the car and bluntly said "I cant do this. "


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