New member of the Todoroki family

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*Momo's Pov*

I get back to the dorm building and go straight to my room. I pull out an A4 note book and a pen. I get a message and its Aizawa telling me that he will call me in a hour to let me know that I am ungrounded. I type okay and I get to work.

I check the clock on my phone. Ive been at this for half an hour now and Ive only just started on Mic's letter. I was struggling on what to write. Ive written half a page explaining the conversation and what was going on.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Shouta's Pov*

Its been over an hour and she hasnt answered my calls. Im going to her room now, its not like her to ignore calls. I get to her door and there is no answer. I open the door and see her asleep at her desk. I walk over to her, pick her up and put her in bed. I then walk over to her desk to see two A4 pages one adressed to '1C dorm mates' and the other 'Yamada Sensei'. I left a note on her desk and walked down to the common area and leave the letter on the table for them and I then walk over to the teachers dorms to give the letter to Hizashi.

I open the door and go straight to the stairs and up to the forth floor were mine and Hizashi's room is. I open the door and walk in the room. We were watching the news before I left. "Hey Kitty." He said slightly smiling. I sit next to Zashi and hand him the letter.

"Its from Momo." He looks at me and smiles and starts to read the letter. Half way through reading, he started to tear up. "Zashi? You okay?" He smiled. "Im fine Sho, this letter though." He finished reading, folded the page and cuddled up to me. Then the thought hit me, Summer is coming up. What is Midoriya going to do. Hizashi could clearly tell that I was starting to get worried cause he gripped my shirt. "Sho? What you thinking?" I hold the hand that he is using to grip my shirt and say. " Im just worried about Midoriya. Now that his mother is gone, he has no one to stay with over summer." I look at my fiance and he looks back at me. "We will figure something out Sho. Were not just going to leave the boy alone some where."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Enji's Pov*

"Look, I know its alot to ask of you both but he has no were else to go. His mum is dead, he has never met his dad and All might has to stay in the dorms so recovery girl can keep an eye on him. I dont want him to be left in some sort of foster care or orphanage center." Shoto really loves this guy, I look to my wife in a questioning type way. She nodded so I did. I wouldnt mind having Midoriya around for the summer. "Sure why not Shoto, It would be nice to have him around." I say smiling at him. His eyes light up. Ive not seen him smile like that since he first got his quirk. He runs over to me and hugs me, pulling Rei into the hug. Him now a crying mess. Rei keeps comforting him while I call UA and tell them that we will keep hold of Midoriya during the summer. The school seemed happy enough to let him stay, so now it was time to get his clothing and other belongings from his 1C dorm.

*Rei's Pov*

From what ive heard, they are going to start re-building the 1A dorms during summer. Shoto seemed really happy this moring. Enji and Shoto have gone back to the dorms to pick up Izuku  and his belongings while IM making tea, yep tea. Ha I dont know why ime alowed to touch this thing to be honest but, anyway Fuyumi and Natsuo are coming home for the summer aswell so it is going to me me,Enji,Natsu,Yumi,Shoto and Izuku. Im exited to put it mildly. "Hey mum, Im home!" Natsuo shouted. I come out of the kitchen with the tea pot in my hand. "Mum....what are you doing?" He asked. " Oh Im just making tea for everyone. Want some?" I ask him, He nodds and follows me into the kitchen. I pour him a cup of tea and then I hear the door open again. "Mum? You here?" She asked "Im the kitchen sweetie." I reply. She comes in and sits at the table, I bring her a cup of tea and sit down aswell. "Is it true that Midoriya is coming to stay for the summer?" Natsuo asks and I nod. I hear a quiet 'yes' from Fuyumi.

*Izuku's pov*

"Are you sure im okay staying with you all this summer Endeavor?" I ask, I feel bad. Im invading their personal life. Shoto grips my hand. "Im positive, and why your staying with us, It would be alot easier if you called us by our first names. Instead of calling  us all Todoroki, that would get a little confusing." He chuckled keeping his eyes on the road. I look at Shoto and he knows what im about to say. "Dad, he dosent know your name. The only thing known about your name it that your last name is Todoroki." He says smiling at me. "Oh right. My real name is Enji." Endeavor said to me . "Oh, that a nice name. It matches your quirk." He once again chuckled, "Yes, my mother could produce lava from her hands and my father could turn any liquid into a toxic gas."(My oc's for his parents btw lol) "Wow thats so cool." I laughed and that clearly made Shoto blush. "I have one rule for you both though. No funny business, kissing and hugging? Fine the other thing. Nope. No way at all."Enji said.Me and shoto burst out laughing and he just smiles as me pull up in the drive way.

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