ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝

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"Can—Can I go now?"Stiles says flicking his eyes over to the arguing Hargreeves family as he repeats until they all shout 'Shut up' in sync causing him to shut his trap, his head hanging down in shame.

Squirming around in his tied up chair,tapping his leg endlessly on the floor.

He needs to pee.

Real bad.

He really needs it and right now this guy is drinking a cup of water and it's making it worse.

He would've ignored it but he's 14 again and when he was 14 he couldn't hold it.

Gulping harshly,rubbing his thighs together and taking a deep breath"HEEEEY!"He screeches like a little girl as a pink tint flushed his cheeks.

He screamed like a little girl when her dolly got took of her.


But stiles didn't care

It got their attention

"I-I real-ly need t-the t-toilet"Stiles stutters now rocking the chair until it crashed to the floor with a loud 'BAM'.

Mieczslaw whimpered in pain as his right shoulder and arm ached."Shit"Five muttered as worry flashed in his eyes before he covered it up with his usual blank stare that says 'I'm-Serious-So-Don't-Try-It-With-Me-Bitch'.
Five carefully released him trying not to agitate him further and hollered him up,stiles then howled in pain.

Leaning on Five as he guided them to the nearest couch.Not a second later Number Five came back with medical supplies as he helped the Tiny boy take of his jumper.

The pale boy flinched away when cold fingers brushed the forming Bruise.
On top of that he had a bleeding,deep cut at where some of the wood chipping gashed him.

"Stop"He whined when Five wiped the cut with a disinfection wipe that smelled like lemons.
Sighing"Do you want an infection or not?"Five replied with one accurate raised eyebrow.

"F-fine but be careful"Nodding he started to wipe all the blood away and stitched his arm as Stiles chewed on his sleeve hood to try not to whine or scream in the process.


After the fixation,Stiles scrambled to the toilet nearly tripping In the process but caught himself on the door handle.

He searched threw the cabinets trying to find something,and there he saw it.....

A Razor...

Of course it's like 1963,he picked it up sliding it into the jumper sleeve and pressed it lightly to his skin with his finger.

Softly shutting the Bathroom door he peaks around the corner of the hall way and see that Klaus,Allison and the girl with cow Girl shoes have gone.

Which is good,now the rest just sit there harshly whispering to each other,he wiped around as seeing Diego looked in his direction.Stiles body trembled out of Anxiety,he really need his Pills to cope with this,but then again,he does wanna escape these loonies.

Taking deep breath and squishing his eyes shut he took a step forward only for the brown floor boards to creek under him.
He shot his eyes open slowly as he regained his foot back to himself as it went 'creeeeek'.

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