ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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"Ugh!"Stiles groaned getting dropped onto the gravelled,cold pavement floor.

Not noticing as the man on the roof clicked at his camera imitating a flash of white light.
The brunette brushed off his clothes now only noticing that there at least 5 sizes too big for him.
Looking around he stumbled nearly tripping on the baggy jeans until he came across a muddy puddle.
Looking at his reflection he warily put his small hands onto his face feeling every nook and cranny.
"Shit"He spat looking at his now 14 year old body.
"How-The-fuck-am-I-FOURTEEN!"He squealed terror filling his amber eyes.

'SPLASH'he face planted into the dirty water with another cuss word tripping on his worn out too big converses.The 14 Year old boy screamed out getting to his feet rolling up his jeans as best as he could throwing his shoes in the green dumpster next to him.
He folded the waist band on the jeans two times to at least get them to kinda fit around his small waist.
He left his flannel shirt as it is since it was pretty chilly out and rolled up his black socks that are now drenched.


Cold,hurt,hungry and in pain he left the Dark Alley way not noticing a Woman with blonde and black locks,with a bandage around her neck Walk out of a racist restaurant.

He may not see her now but he sure as hell will see here in the future....

Muttering every foul word he can,bumping into a police officer on the way he landed on his bum looking up at the tall man with another cuss.
"Hello,where am I?"Stiles greeted politely as the man just scowled "not from around here kid?"

"Not not really"The brunette replied taking the hand that the officer gave.

"Ahh well your in Dallas Boy,the date is 1961"Saying Proudly as he adjusted his belt not noticing as the boys pale face turned more pale and his mouth agape.

Before either  of them could reply said boy turned on his heel and ran like hell,crazy even.Processing that he just killed a man,Pieces of the moon came flying down to him,now he got dragged here by a-a portal now he's in THE PAST WITH HIS 14 YEAR OLD BODY.

Stiles knew that he didn't look 14,he looked 10 years old,he was small for his age with messy brown hair,Honey brown eyes,cut jaw line with slightly chubby cheeks and long eyelashes.

As if it couldn't get even worse,he has no place to go,to sleep,to eat,he knows no one,left his family and now has the burden of guilt and grief on his shoulders.
Throughout the rapid thinking,he came to a halt with his hands on his knees catching his breath as the police officer from before gripped his bicep harshly definitely leaving a bruise and dragged him to the station despise his protest of screaming and kicking leaving him restless in the plastic seat he is now cuffed to.

What was he supposed to do now?...


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