. 17 - Dishonest honesty.

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- Vincent's POV -

As I close the door behind me slowly,  I turn around to face Dave.  He's staring at me with a malicious grin.

"So,  I've done my deed with Zak,  I guess it's only proper that I do something with Darryl. " Dave finishes,  his cold gaze landed on me.

I feel a chill run down my spine as my mind circles through what he could do to Darryl.

I don't know Darryl,  all I know is that he means alot to Zak.  So I'd consider being friends with him.

Dave stares at me for a moment. Until he clears his throat before continuing. 

"So,  any suggestions nerd? " Dave says,  giving me a little nudge. 

"I don't have any ideas. " I mumble,  not wanting to cause anymore harm to Zak or Darryl.

"Fiiine,  if you have no suggestions,  I guess we will just have to go with the usual. " Dave sighs,  crossing his arms in agitation.

"Which is? " I say,  confusion laced the tone of my voice.

"Kidnapping.  What else? " Dave huffs,  looking down at me.

"Once we're done,  " Dave pulls his arms away,  reaching for something in hid pocket. 

"We can kill them,  they won't be any use to us.  That's alright with you?  Right? " Dave says,  as he pulls the pistol out of his pocket,  spinning it in his fingers.

I felt a pit in my stomach,  kill Zak?  No way,  I need to stop him before he ever touches or even takes a glance at Zak.

I can't let him hurt my Ex best friend. 

I nod in response,  keeping my act up.

"Good.  Here,  since I don't trust you with guns. " Dave throws me a pocket knife that was pretty big.

"Thanks. " I mutter,  as I stared at the cold knife in my hands,  the sharpened blade,  and how it could cut across skin.  How the cold blood dripped from the edge,  staining the gray metal bloody red. 

My thoughts kept invading,  telling me and trying to show me how nice it would feel to cut someone.  To hurt someone. 

I need to shut them out.

Faster then they can shut my consciousness out.

-Zak's POV -

We where playing Minecraft,  Darryl gave me a laptop while he was playing on his computer.

We where having alot of fun,  we made our own survival world,  I kept trolling him of course. 


I wonder sometimes,  why did he do it?  Was there a reason to it all?  Why wont he tell me?

He looks so happy.  Maybe I should leave that alone,  he seems happier if I left that subject alone. 

I just want him to be happy.

And if that's what it takes,  then I'll just keep smiling for you Darryl.

For you.


6K,  now we are getting close to 7...  I cant put it into words on how much I appreciate you all,  I'm literally gonna cry.  Also,  yes you may hug :DD

Also looking forward to getting Skeppy merch!  Which means alot to me because that'll be the first time I ever purchase merch,  and who else better to purchase it from,  other then Skeppy?  :DDD


~ Forest Green ~ (SkepHalo)Where stories live. Discover now